Ranked Matching making should be back

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im talking to the guy saying the game is dying not to people posting feedback complaints you chungus. i literally was one of the first posts in this thread agreeing with the point you are making.
Well, he still has a point. I mean, the game doesn’t feel as alive as it did months ago (not because of this ofc), but I’m pretty sure THIS patch won’t help. At least, I’m one of those who aren't playing, because, as I said, I don’t want to risk the situations we’ve already described, and I don’t like being matched with those people again, especially since my games have finally improved.

To be clear, my answer is not against you. This is just my opinion/feedback, and I hope they will separate ranked and casual. In the meantime, I’ll just move on because it’s not for me.
Ranked should never have been added into the game, but removing it abruptly is probably not a very good move.
I agree with you somewhat. Personally, I started playing ranked because all my friends quit the game. However, I have to say that through its ups and downs, I found ranked to be fun. More than anything, I finally found consistency with the players as I climbed. People who communicated, pinged, and knew what to do. Even when games were going badly, for the most part, it was still fun. But the thought of being matched against players who are either too strong or from lower ranks again is really frustrating, especially considering I might end up with people who just want to chill or others who are tryharding. At that point, I wouldn't even know whether to playing casual without thinking too much, risking ruining the games for others, or "tryharding" and ending up with players who, rightly, just want to relax.
Я думаю, что одна из главных проблем заключается в том, что люди присоединяются к рейтинговым и обычным играм по разным причинам. Когда я захожу в рейтинговые, я сталкиваюсь с большим количеством общения, люди просто знают (в основном), где быть, а где не быть.

Я сыграл 5 игр вчера вечером с новой очередью, и во всех, кроме одной, у нас было мало или вообще не было общения. Даже пингов. Это просто другой тип людей (или ожиданий), когда вы идете в рейтинговую против обычной/быстрой очереди игры, я в той точке, что если следующие пару дней дадут мне тот же опыт, я просто брошу это, пока не вернут выделенную очередь.

Я знаю, что игра находится в разработке, и тестирование/QA/обратная связь важны, но это также должно быть приятным опытом, и из того, что я испытал вчера вечером, это было просто раздражающе. Проигрывать игры, в которых можно выиграть, из-за того, что люди были совершенно не в своей позиции и не слушали, просто не весело.
Вот у меня тоже самое было. Играешь рейтинговый матч в основном все общаются и есть командная игра. Вчера зашел сыграть матч, один игрок пукал в микрофон, второй игрок просто кричал в него. После этого я вышел из игры.
I'm about to stop playing because ranked was the only solace for me. Even if it wasn't perfect. I'm now lumped with and against stacks who do not communicate and roam as 2 or 3 parties, feed and continue to lose the game. This update ruined matchmaking for me since there's no Solo Queue.
you can solo queue, put mm_prefer_solo_only true. or you can keep crying over nothing.
i understand the queue time is greater if there is ranked match making but i don't think its fair for those who play deadlock casually or the new comers .Half lobby is playing serious other half lis just playing for fun :v
I really hope they add ranked mode as seperate entity so that we get atleast competitive players to play with and rank up. By mixing it with normal mode, games are way too boring and dull, teammates are not communicating, I am getting placed with players who are playing deadlock very recently and dont know what objectives mean to them so I cant be really mad at them.
Keep in mind that this is still a game in development and they are experimenting and iterating the different systems.
saying stuff like "game is dying" is not necessarily relevant because for all we know development could stop next week and the game never getting released for any reason.
Even if that were the case what the team get ranges from data to experience in their current roles, tech developments from this, all which could be taken and recycled for another project. It wouldnt be unheard that Deadlock gets scrapped as is and all the knowledge gets used for a single-player VR new ip. There's also the remote chance that "Project 8" is just a series of experiments and tests to deepen knowledge for a future project.
Complaints are useful to devs because they tell them what you dont like and sometimes why, but without having backstage access to how everything works you can't propose realistic ways to "fix" it.
Also, and maybe more importantly, remember that you are first a test subject helping the development of a game project, and second a user playing a game. cut the devs some slack.
The argument of "game is not at a state to support ranked", is fine, sure.
But the problem is not that ranked is gone, the problem is that MMR is all over the place now.

Thats the problem, I can queue and drop a 30 bomb so that the enemy uninstalls this game, is that what we want?
MMR of our recent ranked games should be used. Not MMR which is completely outdated of 2 months ago when we played normals....
Thats the problem, does not matter which gamemode
The problem is that, instead of just getting rid of ranked for a while, they got rid of the CASUAL mode. Now ranked is the ONLY mode.
The problem is that, instead of just getting rid of ranked for a while, they got rid of the CASUAL mode. Now ranked is the ONLY mode.
and that makes perfect sense bc if you need to experiment and test ranked then you need people to play ranked. This is not a case where devs will "get rid" of a map or mode, work on it in secret and test it behind closed doors before putting it live again. *we* are the testers behind closed doors, *we* are the ones providing data for the experiments
and that makes perfect sense bc if you need to experiment and test ranked then you need people to play ranked. This is not a case where devs will "get rid" of a map or mode, work on it in secret and test it behind closed doors before putting it live again. *we* are the testers behind closed doors, *we* are the ones providing data for the experiments
Except people WERE playing ranked. There was literally no reason to do this.
I think what's worse is the fact that people can now 3-stack and completely crash everyone, it is ungodly how much difference a well organized 3-stack makes, impossible to play against, I think they should bring ranked queue back and make it solo-only and maybe another queue for pre-made teams
I think one of the major issues is that people join ranked vs casual for different reasons. When I go into ranked, I have experienced tons more communication, people just knowing (mostly) where to be and where not to be.

I played 5 games last night with the new queue, and in all but 1 we had little to no communication at all. Not even pings. It's just a different type of person (or expectation) when you go into a ranked vs casual/quick play queue, I'm at the point where if the next couple days give me the same experience, I'm just gonna call it quits until a dedicated queue is back.

I know the game is in dev and testing/QA/feedback is important, but it also has to be an enjoyable experience, and from what I was subjected to last night, it was just frustrating. Losing winnable games due to people being wildly out of position and not listening is just flat out not fun.
i had the same experience. i love communicating with people and in this patch even if i just talk for a bit they asked me to shut up
i had the same experience. i love communicating with people and in this patch even if i just talk for a bit they asked me to shut up
In the last 3 games I have had a teammate go 2-12, then the next game one goes 0-16, then the next game 3 teammates that go 1-6, 3-9, 2-12.

I'm fully done playing until ranked is back, I'm 3/8 in W/L since this patch, despite never having a single week even close to that bad since ranked came out, it is quite literally unplayable.
i understand the queue time is greater if there is ranked match making but i don't think its fair for those who play deadlock casually or the new comers .Half lobby is playing serious other half lis just playing for fun :v
If they add rank queue, they add solo and party both. Because rank, I am not playing it. I don't usually play solo, so I don't rank.
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