New Punishment System

I don't think anybody should let back. This is still an alpha test phase. At least they cannot ruin the game for anybody until launch. Now they start to test a punishment system also.
I am happy that you have your own opinions, however I heavily disagree with this. I think people who didn't use cheats should be unbanned and be put on a long low prio que. This will make devs be able to test the toxic players and see how the low prio que works. This is free testing for people who actually deserved to be tested on.

I could be biased because I got banned for going afk, but I will say that I learned my lesson after getting perma banned. I don't think I will do it again. I would love to be back even if it means I will be monitored and put on a low prio que with other ex perma banned people or new toxic people.
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Would love some clarity on this. A lot of us have been banned for over a month now and seeing that the game has a new punishment system, I'd be happy if they just chat muted us and let us play.
they're not doing that because they think people shouldnt be banned any more, there's just too many people to manually review so they are leaving it up to a less harsh automated system to not let innocent people get banned but still deal with toxicity. I dont think anyone manually banned will ever get unbanned
they're not doing that because they think people shouldnt be banned any more, there's just too many people to manually review so they are leaving it up to a less harsh automated system to not let innocent people get banned but still deal with toxicity. I dont think anyone manually banned will ever get unbanned
if so, it shows the attitude towards the players
they're not doing that because they think people shouldnt be banned any more, there's just too many people to manually review so they are leaving it up to a less harsh automated system to not let innocent people get banned but still deal with toxicity. I dont think anyone manually banned will ever get unbanned
this is like saying people who were locked up for possessing small amounts of marijuana should stay permanently imprisoned, even if laws were later passed to make marijuana legal for personal use. how does this make any sense?

i can appreciate you at least coming in and giving your opinion respectfully compared to others who trawl through forum unban posts just to harass and sit on their high horse, i just find it hard to understand what exactly you're trying to argue for because it doesn't logically add up from my perspective
In the bug reporting forum..?
Lady Briar please tell us where else we should talk about this. We are Hardware ID banned for who knows what, I could legit be for pausing the game which was an IN-GAME function that had no rules prior to them PERMA BANNING us. Thanks but no thanks we deserve to be heard and get answers! I hear some other bug posts that need your attention. You constantly just diminish us when this is a problem we all care about you have been in every thread discussing topics like these. Please let this be a place for a community to discuss something rather than a place where you come in and rip a joke on a high horse.
they're not doing that because they think people shouldnt be banned any more, there's just too many people to manually review so they are leaving it up to a less harsh automated system to not let innocent people get banned but still deal with toxicity. I dont think anyone manually banned will ever get unbanned
Okay so then with the addition of this system, Don't you think there should be Ban Appeals? before this system they were taking large swipes at permas sometimes to keep hacking, griefing etc out of the game but now there are lesser penalty systems. I think many players atleast deserve to be let into that system, considering some of the bans are done hastily before the behavioral system.
Lady Briar please tell us where else we should talk about this. We are Hardware ID banned for who knows what, I could legit be for pausing the game which was an IN-GAME function that had no rules prior to them PERMA BANNING us. Thanks but no thanks we deserve to be heard and get answers! I hear some other bug posts that need your attention. You constantly just diminish us when this is a problem we all care about you have been in every thread discussing topics like these. Please let this be a place for a community to discuss something rather than a place where you come in and rip a joke on a high horse.
this is like saying people who were locked up for possessing small amounts of marijuana should stay permanently imprisoned, even if laws were later passed to make marijuana legal for personal use. how does this make any sense?

i can appreciate you at least coming in and giving your opinion respectfully compared to others who trawl through forum unban posts just to harass and sit on their high horse, i just find it hard to understand what exactly you're trying to argue for because it doesn't logically add up from my perspective
All Valve should care about is the health of its product. Reverting the ban because the rules changes (and we don't know why they changed, it could be because they don't have the personnel to manually review games or it could be something else) should only happen if it can be marketed as a good thing, not because its "fair to the people banned".

People will avoid Tarkov because its known as "being full of cheaters". People will avoid MOBAs because "its so damn toxic". Valve shouldn't care about proportional punishment for different infractions, they should only care about Deadlock's public image. And it is a MOBA so it has one already.

If they judge that "toxic people are given 2nd chances in Deadlock" is a good image, then they should revert your ban. If they think "toxic people won't last two games in Deadlock" is a better image that will result in a bigger player base, then you should remain banned. Fairness doesn't matter and its subjective anyhow.

Just don't be toxic when the game launches, assuming you'll be able to play then, and you don't have to worry about any of this.
All Valve should care about is the health of its product. Reverting the ban because the rules changes (and we don't know why they changed, it could be because they don't have the personnel to manually review games or it could be something else) should only happen if it can be marketed as a good thing, not because its "fair to the people banned".

People will avoid Tarkov because its known as "being full of cheaters". People will avoid MOBAs because "its so damn toxic". Valve shouldn't care about proportional punishment for different infractions, they should only care about Deadlock's public image. And it is a MOBA so it has one already.

If they judge that "toxic people are given 2nd chances in Deadlock" is a good image, then they should revert your ban. If they think "toxic people won't last two games in Deadlock" is a better image that will result in a bigger player base, then you should remain banned. Fairness doesn't matter and its subjective anyhow.

Just don't be toxic when the game launches, assuming you'll be able to play then, and you don't have to worry about any of this.
I honestly think nobody should even reply to lady briar at all anymore in regards to any topic surrounding bans/unbans, all that person does it instigate people to elicit a nasty reply from them, in a way to get a "gotcha!" moment so she can say "see, you're toxic here too!!".

Look at her post history, you'd think a normal person would have better things to do than spend their time in a forum for an unreleased game acting like an actual game mod/developer that has the rights to choose how things should/shoulnd't be done. Just a sad individual that lacks attention.
I honestly think nobody should even reply to lady briar at all anymore in regards to any topic surrounding bans/unbans, all that person does it instigate people to elicit a nasty reply from them, in a way to get a "gotcha!" moment so she can say "see, you're toxic here too!!".

Look at her post history, you'd think a normal person would have better things to do than spend their time in a forum for an unreleased game acting like an actual game mod/developer that has the rights to choose how things should/shoulnd't be done. Just a sad individual that lacks attention.
The fact is that you did something while XYZ rules were in place and faced the consequences. Like if stealing meant jail time then when you steal you know you it could mean jail time. Just because they change the rules to a ticket after your crime doesn’t mean that you should be let out of jail and given a ticket. You broke the rules at the time and are given the punishment at the time.
The fact is that you did something while XYZ rules were in place and faced the consequences. Like if stealing meant jail time then when you steal you know you it could mean jail time. Just because they change the rules to a ticket after your crime doesn’t mean that you should be let out of jail and given a ticket. You broke the rules at the time and are given the punishment at the time.
I mean bro, we are IP banned. We aren’t here to argue why… we want an APPEAL system. This game has false bans and needs an appeal system. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love this game, I wouldn’t be here if I was correctly banned. I want back in to a game I spent a lot of time grinding and learning. I think that’s fair enough to want to be able to appeal, you’d feel the exact same way if it happened to you.
I mean bro, we are IP banned. We aren’t here to argue why… we want an APPEAL system. This game has false bans and needs an appeal system. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love this game, I wouldn’t be here if I was correctly banned. I want back in to a game I spent a lot of time grinding and learning. I think that’s fair enough to want to be able to appeal, you’d feel the exact same way if it happened to you.
Right—you’re asking to be treated as if there was an appeal system when you broke the rules. You face whatever consequences that were the precedent at the time. I don’t think it’s hard to understand.

And yeah I would be upset too, so that’s why I have been behaving like a civilized human so that I don’t get banned.

Remember that the game is in playtesting and the devs do not owe us anything, nor does anyone “deserve” to be here. If you get invited then great, if you lost your privilege to playtest then that’s on you. Sure, tons of people have access to play it so it’s hardly “exclusive,” but it is still by invite only at the end of the day. So I’m sorry that you squandered your opportunity to playtest the game. See you during the full release.

Right—you’re asking to be treated as if there was an appeal system when you broke the rules. You face whatever consequences that were the precedent at the time. I don’t think it’s hard to understand.

And yeah I would be upset too, so that’s why I have been behaving like a civilized human so that I don’t get banned.

Remember that the game is in playtesting and the devs do not owe us anything, nor does anyone “deserve” to be here. If you get invited then great, if you lost your privilege to playtest then that’s on you. Sure, tons of people have access to play it so it’s hardly “exclusive,” but it is still by invite only at the end of the day. So I’m sorry that you squandered your opportunity to playtest the game. See you during the full release.

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Hey so you are very literally just virtue signaling in a thread where people are trying to find an appeal system for false bans. They legit even added a behavioral system for those who were toxic, with additions like these idk if you can argue the exclusiveness anymore.

I’m being so dead ass that I’m not trying to bring any animosity towards you we just have had so many people say exactly what you said, and want this thread to be a point of discussion towards an appeal system, or some form of comment on the new behavioral system and how it works with older bans when they were way less lenient and just took large swipes such as banning everyone someone invited.
All Valve should care about is the health of its product. Reverting the ban because the rules changes (and we don't know why they changed, it could be because they don't have the personnel to manually review games or it could be something else) should only happen if it can be marketed as a good thing, not because its "fair to the people banned".

People will avoid Tarkov because its known as "being full of cheaters". People will avoid MOBAs because "its so damn toxic". Valve shouldn't care about proportional punishment for different infractions, they should only care about Deadlock's public image. And it is a MOBA so it has one already.

If they judge that "toxic people are given 2nd chances in Deadlock" is a good image, then they should revert your ban. If they think "toxic people won't last two games in Deadlock" is a better image that will result in a bigger player base, then you should remain banned. Fairness doesn't matter and its subjective anyhow.

Just don't be toxic when the game launches, assuming you'll be able to play then, and you don't have to worry about any of this.
with such an attitude towards the players, it shows a bad attitude towards the game