Terrible punishment system

Theres a reason they dont ban people on Dota, because players buy skins and skins = money machine. THis game will be exactly the same as that, people who have never played games will never understand that lmao
Theres a reason they dont ban people on Dota, because players buy skins and skins = money machine. THis game will be exactly the same as that, people who have never played games will never understand that lmao
Well, if a money machine works well enough I guess there's no reason to touch it, but when you're preparing the terrain for a new product toxicity needs to be addressed since it's been shown to increase churn and lower retention rate: players play less (some even avoid games if they think the game goes past their "toxicity limit") and are less encouraged to spend money in return.

DOTA and CS are probably the exception since their brand is rooted in those 90's subcultures where flaming was the norm: their brands are huge enough to offset the negative effects of toxicity. This game very clearly isn't from that era: it has heroes, third person shoulder cameras, it's a new brand. It speaks to a public that doesn't have those bantering codes from yore and honestly doesn't have to. I've seen people get kicked out from chess clubs for way less than what you can find in your average game.
Theres a reason they dont ban people on Dota, because players buy skins and skins = money machine. THis game will be exactly the same as that, people who have never played games will never understand that lmao
Thats simply not true.

They are banning toxic people in Dota, but the process is a bit longer, you get the behaviour Score and if it goes down you lose some abbilities, like:
Voice Mute, Text Mute, Pause, Ping, eventually perma Ban.

So yeah, bans happen, but this game is too established to instaban people.
Money is one thing, the other thing is, that the grace period is larger, cause its out there and its out there for a long time.

Here you literally either contribute, or you dont. And if you dont you lose the priviledge to test and contribute to the game.
We should permaban people for toxicity, its good. We should also arrest all jaywalkers and charge them with life in prison. Do you need a sign saying not to cross the road unless at a designated spot? These people need to have cuffs slapped on them and deserve it! We shouldn't have to put up with their behaviour, they need to grow up.
We should permaban people for toxicity, its good. We should also arrest all jaywalkers and charge them with life in prison. Do you need a sign saying not to cross the road unless at a designated spot? These people need to have cuffs slapped on them and deserve it! We shouldn't have to put up with their behaviour, they need to grow up.

Great false equivalency, I guess?

Wouldn't give you an A for effort, but I can give you a gold star sticker if it makes you feel better?
The more I read this, the more I ask myself " Why do these toxic people want to justified their shitty excuse & give a stupid reason to deflect their shitty behaviour ".

It always goes like this

1) Oh I'm perma ban. Why? Cause I'm toxic?
2) Why didnt they give a warning to not be toxic
3) If so, then what about XYZ ( Dota, CS, Apex etc )
4) If so, then if we cant be toxic, game will be dead
5) And if not, then what about people who jaywalk and do IRL crime and send them to prison
6) And if not, they come up with another stupid reason and deflect / blame others than themselves for being the victim

To those who got ban cause of your toxicity and giving an excuse, look at yourself in the mirror. You are a shitty person. People here are telling you are a shitty person. You are BAN because you are a shitty person. No one likes you because of your behaviour. Stop deflecting

You DONT HAVE TO BE AN ASSHOLE to play the game and make others feel bad

Do you go outside and meet up with people and tell them they are ugly or smelly or dumb? You dont. Cause thats common sense.

Do you go and play Co-Op games like Monster Hunter and tell the person they are bad because they are new? No, you dont. Because everyone is learning and is rude.

And again, this is not a competitive game. Its a playtest. Period
I don't understand why they think the game would be dead if they ban all toxic people, it's almost as if they can't comprehend the majority of people aren't like them. It's classic projection, "I'm toxic so everyone else must be toxic too". News flash, you're shitty behaviour is the minority of the players, no one will miss you, no one will notice you're gone.

Stay banned.
We should permaban people for toxicity, its good. We should also arrest all jaywalkers and charge them with life in prison. Do you need a sign saying not to cross the road unless at a designated spot? These people need to have cuffs slapped on them and deserve it! We shouldn't have to put up with their behaviour, they need to grow up.
Equating this is... bad. Like... pure strawman.

A more real life equivilent would be kicking someone out of a bar, not throwing them in prison. Being banned from the game doesn't take away your freedoms or affect you at all outside of just the game itself. You lose access to ONE game, not your computer or the internet. Also, equating jaywalking (which... do not even get me started on the history of "jaywalking" and why it is even a thing because that's a whole rant on its own) with harassment and toxicity is also just another wild strawman. If you wanted a more "real world" equivilent (and I hate saying that, because harassment is harassment is harassment, internet or not) then it would be more like screaming in a coworker's face. Which, to be clear, you could actually get arrested for. It happens.

So.................... this argument isn't what you thought it was. 😅
I don't understand why they think the game would be dead if they ban all toxic people, it's almost as if they can't comprehend the majority of people aren't like them. It's classic projection, "I'm toxic so everyone else must be toxic too". News flash, you're shitty behaviour is the minority of the players, no one will miss you, no one will notice you're gone.

Stay banned.
man plays online games for 5 minutes xd
It makes me really sad to read those posts by these toxic players. I have been playing games for years (not 5 minutes) and I have always been friendly and was met with friendliness in return. Were there toxic people in my games? Sure! But nobody interacts with these people anyway, we mute you, we report you and then we go about our day.
If you only see toxic people in the games you play, then maybe you are the common denominator. Maybe you were "brought up" (as you like to call it) by people who were toxic towards you and now you think you have earned your badge and can pass it down. If you had to endure it, now everyone else has to or they are soft and weak (things you have been told before?). Did you ever stop for a second to think that was not right? It did not have be this way?

I understand you are upset because you thought the way you interact with people in games is "normal". People interact with you that way, so it must be alright, right? Unfortunately, no. People should never have been toxic towards you ("teaching" you how to interact) and in turn you now have to suffer. It sucks, it may even be unfair.
Bottom line is, toxicity is not allowed in this playtest and will not be tolerated.
It makes me really sad to read those posts by these toxic players. I have been playing games for years (not 5 minutes) and I have always been friendly and was met with friendliness in return. Were there toxic people in my games? Sure! But nobody interacts with these people anyway, we mute you, we report you and then we go about our day.
If you only see toxic people in the games you play, then maybe you are the common denominator. Maybe you were "brought up" (as you like to call it) by people who were toxic towards you and now you think you have earned your badge and can pass it down. If you had to endure it, now everyone else has to or they are soft and weak (things you have been told before?). Did you ever stop for a second to think that was not right? It did not have be this way?

I understand you are upset because you thought the way you interact with people in games is "normal". People interact with you that way, so it must be alright, right? Unfortunately, no. People should never have been toxic towards you ("teaching" you how to interact) and in turn you now have to suffer. It sucks, it may even be unfair.
Bottom line is, toxicity is not allowed in this playtest and will not be tolerated.
I wonder what games you've played that don't have toxicity? (mario, tetris?). The way you're talking, it sounds like you're hoping to get a medal from the developers.
Name at least one game where your actions (reporting and messing with players) helped. I don't like the fact that underneath the posts of whining toxics who write that they got banned, there are people who played tetris and say how bad it is to be toxic ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. When you read that, you realize that people don't understand how games work.
I love these special snowflakes, first devs get rid of their trashing presence then of course next thing they come whining to forums that they're victims and then they argue that everyone else is wrong.

Good riddance and I hope your bans will pass onto full release. If anything, showing this thread to devs should be good argument toward doing so since special snowflakes clearly learnt nothing and never will.

I could have written this post the way special snowflakes could understand, calling them r-, f-, n- words on the way but there's no need for us to lower ourself to their level.
And again, this is not a competitive game. Its a playtest. Period

Even if it was a competitive game, what ever happened to "Humble in victory and graceful in defeat".

Toxic people throwing a fit about XYZ are frustrated, I get it on a personal level, but blaming anyone but themselves and not going to make either their games more enjoyable and having a direct negative impact as a result.

The OP is so wild I have to wonder if its satire TBH and that they are having a great laugh.