New Punishment System

I mean bro, we are IP banned. We aren’t here to argue why… we want an APPEAL system. This game has false bans and needs an appeal system. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love this game, I wouldn’t be here if I was correctly banned. I want back in to a game I spent a lot of time grinding and learning. I think that’s fair enough to want to be able to appeal, you’d feel the exact same way if it happened to you.
There is no such thing is IP ban. There is no reason to IP ban anybody since at least a decade, because your IP changes

And what do you mean false bans? Because people always innocent, falsly bannde, they was not even there, it was the neighbour's cat. But somehow at the end it was always them, and they always did something.
Yeah. There is a reaaaaaaly small percentage, who really got banned by accident.

But this is an alpha test via invites. But even if the game would be released, and you paid for it they would still have their right to remove you from the game even without a reason.

Right now they don't need an appeal system. And they probably will have one when the game is released but until then it is just wasting resources.

And we still think that those, who did something over a closed alpha is deserved to be removed until the release
Thanks for repeating the same thing - you didn't say anything I didnt know? You can now receive text/voice chat mutes for being rude. The ONLY way to be banned before was manual review and instead of a text/voice chat it was just a perma across the board. You still haven't argued for why the ban should remain and what the difference is.
You proove the point.

It is because you think you have the right to be toxic, because you will just get warned and muted for a while so you can do whatever you want and you can go on with it later. And look at you, you cry on the forums that you should get warned before thrown out from a gametest over toxicity.
There is no such thing is IP ban. There is no reason to IP ban anybody since at least a decade, because your IP changes

And what do you mean false bans? Because people always innocent, falsly bannde, they was not even there, it was the neighbour's cat. But somehow at the end it was always them, and they always did something.
Yeah. There is a reaaaaaaly small percentage, who really got banned by accident.

But this is an alpha test via invites. But even if the game would be released, and you paid for it they would still have their right to remove you from the game even without a reason.

Right now they don't need an appeal system. And they probably will have one when the game is released but until then it is just wasting resources.

And we still think that those, who did something over a closed alpha is deserved to be removed until the release
man, you're probably going to rip your shirt so that people with a permanent ban for toxicity aren't given a second chance, you fight so zealously for this, kekw
man, you're probably going to rip your shirt so that people with a permanent ban for toxicity aren't given a second chance, you fight so zealously for this, kekw
Honestly it is really funny how butthurted you are that you not handled like a snowflake and you have to endure the consequences of your action
I honestly think nobody should even reply to lady briar at all anymore in regards to any topic surrounding bans/unbans, all that person does it instigate people to elicit a nasty reply from them, in a way to get a "gotcha!" moment so she can say "see, you're toxic here too!!".

Look at her post history, you'd think a normal person would have better things to do than spend their time in a forum for an unreleased game acting like an actual game mod/developer that has the rights to choose how things should/shoulnd't be done. Just a sad individual that lacks attention.
:coffee: 👀

<I'd post the images here, but that'd be annoying so they are attached below, instead.>

Ok jokes and humor aside... I *am* a moderator for a few games, (NOT Deadlock, to be very clear). I am also well aware that just due to the way I communicate myself in text, I can sometimes accidentally have that "tone" so I do actually try to be mindful of that and go out of my way to be very clear and explicit that I am neither mod nor dev. I have certainly never claimed to be a Deadlock moderator or developer, nor would I ever dare to do so, but if there was a situation where I was less than clear, I would be both happy to apologize and clear up the confusion. It certainly would never be my intent to misrepresent who and what I am.

As for seeking gotcha moments? I have definitely seen other people digging through match histories and checking other resources to call out people claiming to have done nothing wrong when they certainly have done something wrong... but I don't think that I have? Not that I think they should, or shouldn't be fact checking these people's claims of innocence, I don't really have an opinion on that. But, I do appreciate the clarity those posters bring to the situation. I also won't pretend it isn't somewhat amusing to see someone screaming their perfect innocence into the void, only to get checked by another community member proving the lie... but that is mostly because I hate liars, and it is a little satisfying to see liars getting a bit of karmic tea. Meh?

I had a moment where I didn't want to address this at all, because it is, fundamentally, off topic... except that this post is off topic in this forum anyway so it doesn't really matter one way or the other. But more importantly I wanted to treat your comments in good faith and consider them earnestly and not just ignore that you felt this way. So... I decided to go check myself, because honestly perspective is... hard. We can be the most blind to the things closest to us, and I am autistic and genuinely appreciate when people hold me accountable or give me perspective because those things are valuable to me.

What I found was... each page of postings shows 20 posts. Page 1, I had 4 posts on topics relating to bans/unbanning/appeals/etc. Of those 4 posts, 2 were in the same thread. Page 2? None. Page 3? 2, and both of those were either letting someone know, "Hey you won't get a dev response here." and the other wasn't even actually about a ban, but someone just confused about matchmaking hours. Page 4? 1, and it was one of the threads from page 1. Page 5 had *6* posts from that thread again, as well as a comment on a different thread explaining when the abandonment bans are registered, another was redirecting someone to the proper sub-forum because, again, they aren't going to get any help here... Page 6 I commented on a ban thread to explain the disconnected/not-connected lobby icons to someone and commented on another ban thread to clarify that the devs have explicitly stated bans are not automated. So... most of my comments were sharing useful information.

I could keep going, but this already took up more of my coffee time than I planned, but again, I didn't want to just discredit your thoughts or feelings without giving them real consideration. 6 pages of posts, at 20 posts a page, is 120. Of those, 17 were in threads related in SOME way to bans, even tentatively. Meaning that of my last 120 posts, excluding this one, barely over 14% had anything to do with ban topics at all, and none of them were "gotchas" or "instigations", as you put it.

Now clearly I've made you feel a kind of way about this, and I have no control over how you feel about things, so there is little I can do about that. You may well not even read this, or if you do, you may not care about what it says. That's ok, you do not owe me anything and I am doing this of my own volition because I feel like it, not because you are owed anything from me, either.

Am I perfect, or a paragon of virtue? ROFL, no, absolutely not. I can get snarky and sarcastic and even short tempered as much as the next person and in person I swear like a sailor. But, just to possibly reassure you.. no I do not sit around on the forums, begging for attention, or "baiting" toxic players. I do type 140+wpm and have a lot of opinions, though, so... yeah. I do post a lot, sometimes. I'm sure it will shock you to know, I talk a LOT in person, too. And, I really love Deadlock, so... yeah. When I have time, when I have thoughts, when something is interesting to me........ I come on the forums, and I read things. Kind of like everyone on a forum?

And probably like a lot of other people, I go to the "new posts" area, and... yeah I gotta tell ya, the ban topics show up there a LOT because of people commenting on it. It happens, friend. Perspective is hard. I get it.


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:coffee: 👀

<I'd post the images here, but that'd be annoying so they are attached below, instead.>

Ok jokes and humor aside... I *am* a moderator for a few games, (NOT Deadlock, to be very clear). I am also well aware that just due to the way I communicate myself in text, I can sometimes accidentally have that "tone" so I do actually try to be mindful of that and go out of my way to be very clear and explicit that I am neither mod nor dev. I have certainly never claimed to be a Deadlock moderator or developer, nor would I ever dare to do so, but if there was a situation where I was less than clear, I would be both happy to apologize and clear up the confusion. It certainly would never be my intent to misrepresent who and what I am.

As for seeking gotcha moments? I have definitely seen other people digging through match histories and checking other resources to call out people claiming to have done nothing wrong when they certainly have done something wrong... but I don't think that I have? Not that I think they should, or shouldn't be fact checking these people's claims of innocence, I don't really have an opinion on that. But, I do appreciate the clarity those posters bring to the situation. I also won't pretend it isn't somewhat amusing to see someone screaming their perfect innocence into the void, only to get checked by another community member proving the lie... but that is mostly because I hate liars, and it is a little satisfying to see liars getting a bit of karmic tea. Meh?

I had a moment where I didn't want to address this at all, because it is, fundamentally, off topic... except that this post is off topic in this forum anyway so it doesn't really matter one way or the other. But more importantly I wanted to treat your comments in good faith and consider them earnestly and not just ignore that you felt this way. So... I decided to go check myself, because honestly perspective is... hard. We can be the most blind to the things closest to us, and I am autistic and genuinely appreciate when people hold me accountable or give me perspective because those things are valuable to me.

What I found was... each page of postings shows 20 posts. Page 1, I had 4 posts on topics relating to bans/unbanning/appeals/etc. Of those 4 posts, 2 were in the same thread. Page 2? None. Page 3? 2, and both of those were either letting someone know, "Hey you won't get a dev response here." and the other wasn't even actually about a ban, but someone just confused about matchmaking hours. Page 4? 1, and it was one of the threads from page 1. Page 5 had *6* posts from that thread again, as well as a comment on a different thread explaining when the abandonment bans are registered, another was redirecting someone to the proper sub-forum because, again, they aren't going to get any help here... Page 6 I commented on a ban thread to explain the disconnected/not-connected lobby icons to someone and commented on another ban thread to clarify that the devs have explicitly stated bans are not automated. So... most of my comments were sharing useful information.

I could keep going, but this already took up more of my coffee time than I planned, but again, I didn't want to just discredit your thoughts or feelings without giving them real consideration. 6 pages of posts, at 20 posts a page, is 120. Of those, 17 were in threads related in SOME way to bans, even tentatively. Meaning that of my last 120 posts, excluding this one, barely over 14% had anything to do with ban topics at all, and none of them were "gotchas" or "instigations", as you put it.

Now clearly I've made you feel a kind of way about this, and I have no control over how you feel about things, so there is little I can do about that. You may well not even read this, or if you do, you may not care about what it says. That's ok, you do not owe me anything and I am doing this of my own volition because I feel like it, not because you are owed anything from me, either.

Am I perfect, or a paragon of virtue? ROFL, no, absolutely not. I can get snarky and sarcastic and even short tempered as much as the next person and in person I swear like a sailor. But, just to possibly reassure you.. no I do not sit around on the forums, begging for attention, or "baiting" toxic players. I do type 140+wpm and have a lot of opinions, though, so... yeah. I do post a lot, sometimes. I'm sure it will shock you to know, I talk a LOT in person, too. And, I really love Deadlock, so... yeah. When I have time, when I have thoughts, when something is interesting to me........ I come on the forums, and I read things. Kind of like everyone on a forum?

And probably like a lot of other people, I go to the "new posts" area, and... yeah I gotta tell ya, the ban topics show up there a LOT because of people commenting on it. It happens, friend. Perspective is hard. I get it.
:coffee: 👀

<I'd post the images here, but that'd be annoying so they are attached below, instead.>

Ok jokes and humor aside... I *am* a moderator for a few games, (NOT Deadlock, to be very clear). I am also well aware that just due to the way I communicate myself in text, I can sometimes accidentally have that "tone" so I do actually try to be mindful of that and go out of my way to be very clear and explicit that I am neither mod nor dev. I have certainly never claimed to be a Deadlock moderator or developer, nor would I ever dare to do so, but if there was a situation where I was less than clear, I would be both happy to apologize and clear up the confusion. It certainly would never be my intent to misrepresent who and what I am.

As for seeking gotcha moments? I have definitely seen other people digging through match histories and checking other resources to call out people claiming to have done nothing wrong when they certainly have done something wrong... but I don't think that I have? Not that I think they should, or shouldn't be fact checking these people's claims of innocence, I don't really have an opinion on that. But, I do appreciate the clarity those posters bring to the situation. I also won't pretend it isn't somewhat amusing to see someone screaming their perfect innocence into the void, only to get checked by another community member proving the lie... but that is mostly because I hate liars, and it is a little satisfying to see liars getting a bit of karmic tea. Meh?

I had a moment where I didn't want to address this at all, because it is, fundamentally, off topic... except that this post is off topic in this forum anyway so it doesn't really matter one way or the other. But more importantly I wanted to treat your comments in good faith and consider them earnestly and not just ignore that you felt this way. So... I decided to go check myself, because honestly perspective is... hard. We can be the most blind to the things closest to us, and I am autistic and genuinely appreciate when people hold me accountable or give me perspective because those things are valuable to me.

What I found was... each page of postings shows 20 posts. Page 1, I had 4 posts on topics relating to bans/unbanning/appeals/etc. Of those 4 posts, 2 were in the same thread. Page 2? None. Page 3? 2, and both of those were either letting someone know, "Hey you won't get a dev response here." and the other wasn't even actually about a ban, but someone just confused about matchmaking hours. Page 4? 1, and it was one of the threads from page 1. Page 5 had *6* posts from that thread again, as well as a comment on a different thread explaining when the abandonment bans are registered, another was redirecting someone to the proper sub-forum because, again, they aren't going to get any help here... Page 6 I commented on a ban thread to explain the disconnected/not-connected lobby icons to someone and commented on another ban thread to clarify that the devs have explicitly stated bans are not automated. So... most of my comments were sharing useful information.

I could keep going, but this already took up more of my coffee time than I planned, but again, I didn't want to just discredit your thoughts or feelings without giving them real consideration. 6 pages of posts, at 20 posts a page, is 120. Of those, 17 were in threads related in SOME way to bans, even tentatively. Meaning that of my last 120 posts, excluding this one, barely over 14% had anything to do with ban topics at all, and none of them were "gotchas" or "instigations", as you put it.

Now clearly I've made you feel a kind of way about this, and I have no control over how you feel about things, so there is little I can do about that. You may well not even read this, or if you do, you may not care about what it says. That's ok, you do not owe me anything and I am doing this of my own volition because I feel like it, not because you are owed anything from me, either.

Am I perfect, or a paragon of virtue? ROFL, no, absolutely not. I can get snarky and sarcastic and even short tempered as much as the next person and in person I swear like a sailor. But, just to possibly reassure you.. no I do not sit around on the forums, begging for attention, or "baiting" toxic players. I do type 140+wpm and have a lot of opinions, though, so... yeah. I do post a lot, sometimes. I'm sure it will shock you to know, I talk a LOT in person, too. And, I really love Deadlock, so... yeah. When I have time, when I have thoughts, when something is interesting to me........ I come on the forums, and I read things. Kind of like everyone on a forum?

And probably like a lot of other people, I go to the "new posts" area, and... yeah I gotta tell ya, the ban topics show up there a LOT because of people commenting on it. It happens, friend. Perspective is hard. I get it.
Augsust 24 [2:29 PM]Yoshi: We haven't really decided on what we'll do in the long term, but its not on our radar to reconsider any bans in the short and medium term at least.

I think it is safe to assume that, you will probably not being getting unbanned. I think they probably should have purged the bans when they implemented the new system, but there are many possible reasons as to why they didn't. The simplest is that maybe they didn't discriminate between ban reasons, and don't want to mass unban cheaters.

They obviously don't want to go into detail about how the ban system works, because that would make ban avoiding easier.


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Augsust 24 [2:29 PM]Yoshi: We haven't really decided on what we'll do in the long term, but its not on our radar to reconsider any bans in the short and medium term at least.

I think it is safe to assume that, you will probably not being getting unbanned. I think they probably should have purged the bans when they implemented the new system, but there are many possible reasons as to why they didn't. The simplest is that maybe they didn't discriminate between ban reasons, and don't want to mass unban cheaters.

They obviously don't want to go into detail about how the ban system works, because that would make ban avoiding easier.
the developers could add this to the forum
section with ban amnesty, to leave topics for unbanning there, there are not many of us on the forum and among us there are no people who were banned for cheating