Modeldoc won't reconize HWM Face Morph and legacy compiled data gona remove soon! Please fix Modeldoc to won't reconize HWM Morph


New member
I am typing this for Deadlock too because its also source 2 and will %100 sure this also gona happend in deadlock too. And just hoping maybe my voice can go to Valve because Deadlock so much more active deving by Valve.

Please Valve I begging for fix this.

When I import .dmx of face modeldoc won't reconize like HLA model editor. HLA model editor reconize correcly and even I put compiled .vmdl_c to game reconize.

But when I import same .dmx with HWM modeldoc won't reconize it. Heres how its looks
Left is made with HLA Model Editor ( legacy compiled .vmdl_c ) Right is made with modeldoc and failing to pose.
In modeldoc version I can see names but when I press them they fail they do nothing. But HLA version when I press and pose it react.

And legacy compiled support gona end soon ( Please don't because its also helps to old .mdl like animations .mdl to import source 2 make it so easy ) I begging for Valve to got update on this. I made so much effort could make faces of Miku and Rin. If legacy compiled support end and Modeldoc won't reconize it will broke my model.

Also I forced mix legacy compiled face with modeldoc body causing bug in SFM. My face desipearing randomly because of this mix.

Stracture body made with modeldoc / HWM face made with HLA model editor legacy compiled


Without bugged:
1725660068715.pngWhen bugged:


I know Valve dealing tons of things. But If you could add this fix I will so glad. I am begging for this fix.
Please Valve fix it.