No, We are going to see stranger characters and frankly if you want an audience you need hot woman. Also the character looking goofy like that makes me not pick them. I might be one but others like me will feel the same. You want to either play someone cool or hot, it's not that complicated.
Can she not be hot japanese oblong head woman?
No, We are going to see stranger characters and frankly if you want an audience you need hot woman. Also the character looking goofy like that makes me not pick them. I might be one but others like me will feel the same. You want to either play someone cool or hot, it's not that complicated.
Bro, lmao.
A woman character design isn't just good if you can jack off to it. What the hell.
Bro, lmao.
A woman character design isn't just good if you can jack off to it. What the hell.
I'm gonna play the Devil's Advocate here. I am not a fan of argument like this. Why it has to be ONLY either extreme? Only weird ass quirky and just ugly designs OR bimbos from eastern gachas. You really think a character design can only be one of those two?

A female character can be pretty/appealing without being a "jerk off material". Plenty of Dota designs are exactly like that (eg. Anessix, Dawnbreaker). It's this exact mentality which leads to designs like Concord.
I'm gonna play the Devil's Advocate here. I am not a fan of argument like this. Why it has to be ONLY either extreme? Only weird ass quirky and just ugly designs OR bimbos from eastern gachas. You really think a character design can only be one of those two?

A female character can be pretty/appealing without being a "jerk off material". Plenty of Dota designs are exactly like that (eg. Anessix, Dawnbreaker). It's this exact mentality which leads to designs like Concord.
Your inability to put things into a context and understand the meaning of art is a really interesting. By interesting I mean, you should educated yourself on what exactly art is how it goes through development.

To not be a complete ass to you. I'll try to give you an educated answer with the hopes that you actually bother to think before you post.
"Jerk off material" is a slang people use to describe suggestions regarding ONLY women character pushed by men that don't fit into their definition of beauty or appeal.

In any form of visual media, a character's original look has to sell you a theme, story, archetype and world building. In the gaming industry, those aspects up until recently were only ever given to male characters, while women characters were left in dumb stereotypes or other tropes that serve ONLY a male based audience.
Now going to your next point about Dota characters. Anessix is a funny one, because except her being skinny and having a nice nose there isn't anything specific about her that makes her appealing. If she wasn't a Valve character, there would hundreds of chud youtubers shit talking the design. Let's look at her design:
-Graying out hair
-Multiple piercing on her lips, ears and her horns
-Mature looking face
You see where I'm going with this?
Now, Dawnbreaker. Dawnbreaker is the size of She-Hulk with muscles and a huge Mace. Her voicelines are full of confidence with no interest in any relationship or anything else. She's proud of her muscles, she makes fun of other characters. She doesn't care. Her hairstyle is literally made to resemble a Lion's mane in combination with her muscular physical, she gives the signal that she is the tank that controls the battlefield.

Using Dota 2 to an extend is also cheating considering the game's original characters are based on WC3 and made to resemble them as much as possible without getting into legal troubles. That's why you have awful designs like Crystal Maiden and QoP.
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but after the original dota all star characters were ported to dota 2, there haven't been any women characters that might fit whatever your definition of appeal exists.
Muerta - Green walking corpse woman with the voice of a that has been smoking their entire life.
Hoodwink - Literal squirrel woman in a hoodie
Marci - Woman in leggins with a vest, boots, and ponytail
Dark Willow - Elf woman in leggins with a vest, boots, bald with a pink skin
Snapfire - Grandma with a big gray hair bum riding a lizard

If these weren't Valve created characters you would probably call them "woke".
Also, who the fuck gives a rat's ass about Concord? We are talking about art here, not whatever your favourite youtuber told you to be angry about.
Your inability to put things into a context and understand the meaning of art is a really interesting. By interesting I mean, you should educated yourself on what exactly art is how it goes through development.

To not be a complete ass to you. I'll try to give you an educated answer with the hopes that you actually bother to think before you post.
"Jerk off material" is a slang people use to describe suggestions regarding ONLY women character pushed by men that don't fit into their definition of beauty or appeal.

In any form of visual media, a character's original look has to sell you a theme, story, archetype and world building. In the gaming industry, those aspects up until recently were only ever given to male characters, while women characters were left in dumb stereotypes or other tropes that serve ONLY a male based audience.
Now going to your next point about Dota characters. Anessix is a funny one, because except her being skinny and having a nice nose there isn't anything specific about her that makes her appealing. If she wasn't a Valve character, there would hundreds of chud youtubers shit talking the design. Let's look at her design:
-Graying out hair
-Multiple piercing on her lips, ears and her horns
-Mature looking face
You see where I'm going with this?
View attachment 17395View attachment 17394
Now, Dawnbreaker. Dawnbreaker is the size of She-Hulk with muscles and a huge Mace. Her voicelines are full of confidence with no interest in any relationship or anything else. She's proud of her muscles, she makes fun of other characters. She doesn't care. Her hairstyle is literally made to resemble a Lion's mane in combination with her muscular physical, she gives the signal that she is the tank that controls the battlefield.

Using Dota 2 to an extend is also cheating considering the game's original characters are based on WC3 and made to resemble them as much as possible without getting into legal troubles. That's why you have awful designs like Crystal Maiden and QoP.
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but after the original dota all star characters were ported to dota 2, there haven't been any women characters that might fit whatever your definition of appeal exists.
Muerta - Green walking corpse woman with the voice of a that has been smoking their entire life.
Hoodwink - Literal squirrel woman in a hoodie
Marci - Woman in leggins with a vest, boots, and ponytail
Dark Willow - Elf woman in leggins with a vest, boots, bald with a pink skin
Snapfire - Grandma with a big gray hair bum riding a lizard

If these weren't Valve created characters you would probably call them "woke".
Also, who the fuck gives a rat's ass about Concord? We are talking about art here, not whatever your favourite youtuber told you to be angry about.
I disagree.

First, you act on the assumption that a design which is appealing to male audience is inherently bad. It's not. I will be making a bold assumption here that if there was a "female gaze" character of a half-naked kpop/boysband looking dude designed to be appealing to women you wouldn't find as many issues with that. It's always only male-oriented designs that are the problem for some reason.

Second, your Anessix argument makes zero sense and you talk about people who simply do not exist. No one finds her problematic or would find her problematic in any other game aside from trolls or very, very small minority of very loud people. You bringing up that she has piercings, tattoos or grayish hair and that people would hate that if it wasn't Valve is also weird since there is already a very prominent example to the contrary - Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village who is by every account not a "typical" female character and yet was universally loved by almost everyone. She was also an older woman and not a "young bimbo".

Dawnbreaker is pretty and is not obnoxious. That's really all it takes.

I don't want to make any more assumptions, but your unironic use of the word "chud" and obsession with people calling designs "woke" already speaks volumes. I think you need to actually go out of the internet ragebait bubble and realize that designs do not have to be on either extreme. Character doesn't have to look like straight out of Concord/Tumblr OR out of Nikke/korean gacha to be appealing and that vast majority of people, not only men, want to play characters that look fun, attractive or interesting and you do not need to clad every character in skimpy clothing to achieve that - though there is also no reason not to if you can fit it in the game's artstyle, theme and setting eg. if it's a demon, succubus-like being. There is a reason why, as recently discovered by LoL devs, vast majority of female players choose to play as attractive female champions.

And to finish - no one is arguing here that ALL characters need to be attractive. There is space for lots of variety. What people have issue is with this exact mentality where you look at the game and it's blatant that the designers deliberately avoid making attractive characters out of fear of it being labeled "male gaze" or "outdated design" or because they actually believe in these ideas and then, when this keeps up, we end up with a title like Concord.
I legit can't believe that people are still arguing here and in other threads about Yamato's design being changed. It is literally inevitable and no amount of crying will change that.

When people say "attractive" they don't always mean something they want to wack it to, they just want an appealing character design in general. To most people, Yamato, Viscous, and Grey Talon look fucking awful and rightfully so because they are placeholders like many other things in the game. To want a character design to stay the same such as Yamato is absurd, you would not want this design if you'd never seen it in the first place. If you played the game instead only when she had her updated model, you would not in your right mind advocate to have this extremely ugly model instead. You are just holding onto a placeholder for some weird nostalgic reason because it's what you started out with instead of a better design.

I'm not here to even argue either because it's useless to argue with dumber people, it's just insane that people will even make threads on this kind of thing and get into such discussions. The argument that "Well not everything has to be some HOT, ATTRACTIVE, PERFECT looking character" has you missing the point entirely, people aren't advocating for that kind of character either, even though that's not a bad thing to want regardless. The Yamato artwork is great and is clearly not intended to just be attractive for the sake of it. If you want ugly ass characters you will surely have them as not every character is going to be some slim figured, gentle female, as there is already some genderless abomination character made of goo called Viscous, and many more will come just like in DOTA.

Funnily enough, some of you would probably advocate to keep original Viscous too as he is now despite him also having an extremely unappealing placeholder. Do you think people want Viscous to be changed into a hot, attractive female goo monster? No, they just want something that isn't an extremely ugly character made of one green texture, but it is a work in progress, just like Yamato, so they can get the gameplay out first before needing to wait to finish their final designs.

This fascination with a character model that looks like it has a forehead that could reach the moon and is all around unappealing is just hilarious really, thank you for making me laugh atleast.
I disagree.

First, you act on the assumption that a design which is appealing to male audience is inherently bad. It's not. I will be making a bold assumption here that if there was a "female gaze" character of a half-naked kpop/boysband looking dude designed to be appealing to women you wouldn't find as many issues with that. It's always only male-oriented designs that are the problem for some reason.

Second, your Anessix argument makes zero sense and you talk about people who simply do not exist. No one finds her problematic or would find her problematic in any other game aside from trolls or very, very small minority of very loud people. You bringing up that she has piercings, tattoos or grayish hair and that people would hate that if it wasn't Valve is also weird since there is already a very prominent example to the contrary - Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village who is by every account not a "typical" female character and yet was universally loved by almost everyone. She was also an older woman and not a "young bimbo".

Dawnbreaker is pretty and is not obnoxious. That's really all it takes.

I don't want to make any more assumptions, but your unironic use of the word "chud" and obsession with people calling designs "woke" already speaks volumes. I think you need to actually go out of the internet ragebait bubble and realize that designs do not have to be on either extreme. Character doesn't have to look like straight out of Concord/Tumblr OR out of Nikke/korean gacha to be appealing and that vast majority of people, not only men, want to play characters that look fun, attractive or interesting and you do not need to clad every character in skimpy clothing to achieve that - though there is also no reason not to if you can fit it in the game's artstyle, theme and setting eg. if it's a demon, succubus-like being. There is a reason why, as recently discovered by LoL devs, vast majority of female players choose to play as attractive female champions.

And to finish - no one is arguing here that ALL characters need to be attractive. There is space for lots of variety. What people have issue is with this exact mentality where you look at the game and it's blatant that the designers deliberately avoid making attractive characters out of fear of it being labeled "male gaze" or "outdated design" or because they actually believe in these ideas and then, when this keeps up, we end up with a title like Concord.
You are an absolute moron that has never bothered to open a history or art book in their life. The only "female gaze" you can consider that this game has is Dynamo, Seven and Abrams.

Male gaze and female gaze are two completely different things. Instead of being a twat about it, act like a mature adult or don't even bother replying.
"Concord/Tumblr" is not real term.
I completely agree that something will be lost with the new leaked redesign art. It's more generic and less iconic. I'm tremendously sad that they are abandoning her current vibe for something so basic and uninteresting.
You are an absolute moron that has never bothered to open a history or art book in their life. The only "female gaze" you can consider that this game has is Dynamo, Seven and Abrams.

Male gaze and female gaze are two completely different things. Instead of being a twat about it, act like a mature adult or don't even bother replying.
"Concord/Tumblr" is not real term.
You are really mad over this, huh. Maybe you should take a break and go outside?

Also recent patch just proved my point. Yet another handsome male character added to the roster. But god forbid an attractive woman exists lmao.

Please do not tell me people think that current Yamato looks good lmao. Even in the supposed earlier sci-fi setting she would look bad.
She looks WEIRD. Completely out of this world. That's what gives her charm. As some others have said, not every single character must be goon worthy, it's okay to have characters that look strange.

It's a bit of a shame Yamato's gonna changed because honestly I love her weird design right now, but eh, what can we do.
She looks WEIRD. Completely out of this world. That's what gives her charm. As some others have said, not every single character must be goon worthy, it's okay to have characters that look strange.

It's a bit of a shame Yamato's gonna changed because honestly I love her weird design right now, but eh, what can we do.
"not every single character must be goon worthy"

So far none are and all of them are quirky weirdos, so by your own logic, some should be changed to be more traditionally attractive.
"not every single character must be goon worthy"

So far none are and all of them are quirky weirdos, so by your own logic, some should be changed to be more traditionally attractive.
I'm not talking about other characters. I'm talking about Yamato. But if I accept the strawman and accept we're talking about other characters, I personally find several of them to be fairly attractive and looking quite "normal". That's really subjective though.

When I say "not every single character must be goon worthy" I mean that it's okay to leave characters that look like freaks without reworking them because they look like freak. I clearly did not state that there needs an equal amount of freaks to attractive people.
I dont know. I still think Yamato looks completely off in every way right now. Also redesigning her doesnt mean that she has no personality afterwards or that she would be a generic cool japanese character as you say. I would say: let them cook. The art team did a very good job with heros like infernus ( especially if you compare him with his neon prime version ) and I think they would nail a yamato redesign as well. You dont even have to alter her signature silhouette. Its mostly about her armor, body and whole color scheme which doesnt seems fitting to me. You also could do some cool stuff with her like making her more robotic white/grey looking body into a terracotta like material etc. I think if they want to go with the current style, world and setting of deadlock, yamato just needs somekind of revisiting for her to make the character cast more coherent. Dont be afraid of changes, especially not if a game is in alpha.
I dont know. I still think Yamato looks completely off in every way right now. Also redesigning her doesnt mean that she has no personality afterwards or that she would be a generic cool japanese character as you say. I would say: let them cook. The art team did a very good job with heros like infernus ( especially if you compare him with his neon prime version ) and I think they would nail a yamato redesign as well. You dont even have to alter her signature silhouette. Its mostly about her armor, body and whole color scheme which doesnt seems fitting to me. You also could do some cool stuff with her like making her more robotic white/grey looking body into a terracotta like material etc. I think if they want to go with the current style, world and setting of deadlock, yamato just needs somekind of revisiting for her to make the character cast more coherent. Dont be afraid of changes, especially not if a game is in alpha.
I'd say that if we have to rework her, then yeah, I'd agree on that! I'll definitively miss this weird little freak we have, but as you said, let them cook. Honestly as long as we don't have generic anime sword woman number 58193 I think I'll be happy. The designs they've given out already are fairly interesting too, I especially like the ones where she looks kinda ghoulish.
I think Yamato's head should get longer and more noodly with each game she's picked in, but only a little bit. Like it grows a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a millimeter. And then in a few years her head's massive and she can draw shapes in the clouds with her forehead while she walks to lane.
Я считаю что ей нужен реворк внешности. Она выглядит отвратительно и мне не хочется за неё играть и я думаю большенство также само считает. Лучше дефолтный дизайн изменить а модельку с длинной головой допилить и завести как скин или даже как бесплатный скин для тестеров, так останутся все довольны. I think she needs a rework of her appearance. She looks disgusting and I don't want to play her and I think most people think the same. It would be better to change the default design and finish the model with the long head and make it a skin or even a free skin for testers, then everyone will be happy.
Я считаю что ей нужен реворк внешности. Она выглядит отвратительно и мне не хочется за неё играть и я думаю большенство также само считает. Лучше дефолтный дизайн изменить а модельку с длинной головой допилить и завести как скин или даже как бесплатный скин для тестеров, так останутся все довольны. I think she needs a rework of her appearance. She looks disgusting and I don't want to play her and I think most people think the same. It would be better to change the default design and finish the model with the long head and make it a skin or even a free skin for testers, then everyone will be happy.
I don't think she's disgusting (she's kinda freaky) but I do agree if they're gonna rework her it'd be nice to release a free "Weird Yamato" skin like that.