Meleeing Souls Doesn't Claim Them

First time writing on the forum hi^^, dont be mad, but this is not a bug and the last one to prove that is total nosense sorry to say (you will never take that soul with that melee attack xD sry, you are not pointing the soul, they are shooting at it too, and you have to point it as if you wanted to shoot it eheh), if there is a problem in the netcode they will see this post and they will check if there is a problem. Don't think that you can take the soul just because it is in front of you, you have to aim it and it must be at a certain distance.
hi^^ the game itself displays me hitting the soul ehe. when somebody hits a soul, it is claimed!^^^! as you can see in the screenshots and clips, despite the melee attack impacting the soul, it doesnt claim it! sry eheh~! xD
Bugs can be replicated because it's an abnormality in the code. Which means if you fix the code, the issue goes away. That means that everytime you try this it should have the same effect. However I couldn't replicate the issue, which points towards it not being an issue with the code.
View attachment 13974
Here's somebody else replicating this bug in a sandbox. Where server desync is impossible.
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Here's somebody else replicating this bug in a sandbox. Where server desync is impossible.
Replicated this myself, though I've been able to replicate it the whole thread in any situation. Once again, shame on everyone.
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Bugs can be replicated because it's an abnormality in the code. Which means if you fix the code, the issue goes away. That means that everytime you try this it should have the same effect. However I couldn't replicate the issue, which points towards it not being an issue with the code.
View attachment 13974
why are you talking about code if youre not even a coder? this problem happens to me in real games and sometimes it makes me very angry because you lose several souls if you don't have ammo
This is a very strange mechanic, and in my opinion, it shouldn't work this way. The point is that the more you play, the better you understand the timings (how long it takes for a soul to fly out of a dead creep and how long the wind-up for a melee attack is). You combine these timings and use them. The game should ideally reward your skill progression, but instead, it seems to mock you by playing the hit sound and showing the visual effect, yet not registering the soul collection.

When I explain this to other players, I start getting irritated by their responses. Responses like: 'Just finish off the living creep, what's the problem?' or 'It's intentionally designed so you can't instantly finish off the soul.'

Then I think, do people not understand what it means to progress mechanically? If their answer is, 'Just finish it with an attack, don't worry about it,' or 'It's meant to stop tryhards.'


Happened on this thread by chance - can confirm that I've had this happen several times as well, sound and everything.

(Feeling compelled to add that it's wild how two specific naysayers have responded to the whole thing lmao. It's literally there in the replays, it's not hard to grasp, let's just have it be pointed out as something to be fixed, which these forums are intended for)