Meleeing Souls Doesn't Claim Them


Active member
When meleeing a soul after it spawns it creates a hitsound and visually shows the effect of claiming a soul but the soul is not claimed. The clip below demonstrates this issue in a real match. Feel free to slow it down and watch the soul make the bright white hit effect after the initial melee.

This melee is also shown to have hit the soul in the replay, but it does not claim it.
View attachment soulmelee.mp4

Check the thread for additional clips on this bug!
Here's someone's clip of them reproducing this bug in a sandbox environment
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Your souls literally went from 341 to 380 to 418 to 457. The increases corresponding with your soul orb melees. So what are you talking about, exactly??
Your souls literally went from 341 to 380 to 418 to 457. The increases corresponding with your soul orb melees. So what are you talking about, exactly??
watch the clip and look at the soul itself. the bug happens when i am at 418 souls and do a quick melee
watch the clip and look at the soul itself. the bug happens when i am at 418 souls and do a quick melee
I obviously watched the clip, otherwise I wouldn't have known your soul count... you do a melee a little after a second into the clip, but you miss the orb, and then you hit it on your second swing at 2 seconds in.

Could be server lag, cause I would assume your melee was close enough on the first hit, but maybe not. Either way, you got the soul.

Also, you potentially just swung too early, and the orb wasn't fully formed when you swung. I've had that happen a few times myself.
I obviously watched the clip, otherwise I wouldn't have known your soul count... you do a melee a little after a second into the clip, but you miss the orb, and then you hit it on your second swing at 2 seconds in.

Could be server lag, cause I would assume your melee was close enough on the first hit, but maybe not. Either way, you got the soul.
i do not miss the soul. go frame by frame you can see the hit effect of me hitting the soul. when the soul turns white that means it was hit. here is the frame of it getting hit. the white effect is what a soul looks like when it is being hit.
frame prior to melee input (notice no white sparks as the check for melee has not begun yet in this wind up animation)
frame during melee input (notice the white hit effect signalling i have meleed this soul)
frame after melee input (notice the white sparks signalling the soul should be gone.)
Either way, you got the soul.
Yes in this safe situation where nobody was attempting to deny my souls I was able to claim it. This is frequently not the situation and this bug happens all of the time. In a different situation where somebody would be attempting to deny my soul, that second melee would not have been successful because they would have shot it before it was able to cast despite my initial melee visually and auditorily displaying that I claimed that soul.
Look you swung too early, maybe not client side, but server side it thought so. Meleeing souls works just fine, I even tested in sandbox just to make sure. There is no bug here, just lag potentially. If you swing too early, the orb hasn't fully "formed" yet, and you can strike it as an object but it isn't destructible yet. That's all. It's not complicated, and its not a bug. Moving on.
Look you swung too early, maybe not client side, but server side it thought so. Meleeing souls works just fine, I even tested in sandbox just to make sure. There is no bug here, just lag potentially. If you swing too early, the orb hasn't fully "formed" yet, and you can strike it as an object but it isn't destructible yet. That's all. It's not complicated, and its not a bug. Moving on.
Yes surely this clip displays intended behavior. You are so right. Please continue replying to my thread with useful feedback. Clearly 170+ fps and 36 ping is not low enough and I need to be physically within the Valve server room connected by ethernet and on a NASA computer if I want to attempt to claim a soul by meleeing it. Thanks for replying.
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I've had no issues meleeing souls on similar ping. You might actually be getting packet loss or something.
Could be but other people also have been experiencing this issue. I get this problem very frequently.

Edit: No it cannot be packet loss.
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It looks more like there was some server problems, just because you have low ping doesn't mean there can't be issues with packet loss or something. In your client it triggered the effect for hitting, but for some reason the server didn't acknowledge that. Could be packet loss on your end or it might be on the server side.

That's stuff that will most likely improve in the future while they work on improving performance in different ways.

If you get this problem frequently, that sounds more like packet loss on your end.
Failed to recreate, due to the visuals being the only thing suggesting a hit my best guess is a minor desync with the server caused by a packet being dropped. Its more of an internet error and not a bug rendering it fundamentally unfixable.
This is it in the replay. This is not a networking, packet loss, or ping issue. This is how the server received the melee. You all can stop pretending like you know what's going on now. This is simply a bug in the game (and a fixable one at that).
frame during hit
frame after hit
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This is it in the replay. This is not a networking, packet loss, or ping issue. This is how the server received the melee. You all can stop pretending like you know what's going on now. This is simply a bug in the game (and a fixable one at that).
frame during hit
View attachment 13960
View attachment 13958
frame after hit
View attachment 13959
Your post says, "meleeing souls doesn't claim them"

The fact that multiple people pointed out how you can in fact melee souls and it claims them, proves that is wrong.

A bug is a variable that is repeatable on command within the code, especially in an online game where packet loss, lag and server desync can happen. This is less of a bug and more of an early development netcode or player side issue.

Your post says, "meleeing souls doesn't claim them"

The fact that multiple people pointed out how you can in fact melee souls and it claims them, proves that is wrong.

A bug is a variable that is repeatable on command within the code, especially in an online game where packet loss, lag and server desync can happen. This is less of a bug and more of an early development netcode or player side issue.

what do you see happen in the clip when i first melee the soul.

does it
1. claim the soul
2. not claim the soul

the intended behavior is 1.
the thing that actually happened is 2.

this is not a playerside issue as it is present from the server's pov in the replay. to be as clear as i can possibly be, the server KNOWS i meleed the soul.

thus (sometimes) Meleeing Souls Doesn't Claim Them
what do you see happen in the clip when i first melee the soul.

does it
1. claim the soul
2. not claim the soul

the intended behavior is 1.
the thing that actually happened is 2.

this is not a playerside issue as it is present from the server's pov in the replay. to be as clear as i can possibly be, the server KNOWS i meleed the soul.

thus (sometimes) Meleeing Souls Doesn't Claim Them
You've taken everything that everyone said as a personal attack and completely ignored what everyone else pointed out, so i'll focus on that to make it clear.

Server Desync. Which is when your client desyncs from the server and doesn't necessarily mean that it's an issue with your computer.

It means that it's just poor netcode. Which still isn't a bug.
You've taken everything that everyone said as a personal attack and completely ignored what everyone else pointed out, so i'll focus on that to make it clear.

Server Desync. Which is when your client desyncs from the server and doesn't necessarily mean that it's an issue with your computer.

It means that it's just poor netcode. Which still isn't a bug.
a replay is from the pov of the server.

Edit: clip of somebody replicating this bug in a sandbox where 'server desync' is impossible. the same way it doesn't exist in a replay.
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