New member

General vibe.. but less detective / more wallstreet/scrooge
Potential character names : The Broker, The Empty Suit, The Talking Head, The Cheapskate
Main Weapon: Colt .45
Melee: Suitcase
Ability 1: Going Long
Sacrifice some health for a substantial increase in damage and speed for 6 seconds.
After ability wears off, take a slight speed and damage reduction penalty for 3 seconds.
Ability 2: Coin Toss
Throw a handful of coins at the enemy to give them random debuffs for 8 seconds.
Alternatively, throw a handful of coins at teammates to give them random buffs for 8 seconds.
Ability 3: Sell Short
Use some of your souls to give yourself extra HP for a slight decrease in movement speed. If you move forward, take more damage but also receive a substantial increase in damage dealt. If you move backwards take less damage but receive a substantial decrease in damage dealt.
Ability 4: Margin Call
Throw your briefcase for a AOE attack that deals DOT to enemies in its radius. The longer they remain in this area the more damage they take. Additionally, steal a percentage of enemies souls and add them to your own.
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