Ended up in a match where the Pocket on their team carried them on his back pretty much. Really good schmovement/burst damage game and our team could barely do anything. How is this dude even in this league lmao. Quality matchmaking Valve.
devs dont care why do you think matchmaking is still dog shit. literally had great 2 last days promo 3 different times and now win one game lose 4 in a row. honestly might put the game down like we all should till they fix what needs fixed. matchmaking is a huge thing throught all elos and nobody cares that it gets fixed. if you keep playing theyll never fix it just like any other game with the same problem. jsut give them more data for no reason keep queueing keep losing for no reason. bullshit its not an eye opener that theres almost 270 pages of bad matchmaking thread and nothing has been done about it. open your eyes
Guys, come on, it's not possible to play like this. It's discouraging, the matchmaking is completely wrong, it's not the first, the second or the third. I'm not one to complain, especially about this. We're talking about matchmaking bringing people 12 levels behind me, it's very uneven. All the last matches, I can show them all here, but there's always a huge disbelief in the teams. There's always a better team and a worse one. This is killing the game.
33771193 - 20-50 game. Was a stomp from minute zero. Absolutely zero fun to play. Allegedly a Archon 6 vs Archon 6 match, and no, no it was not. Not even close.