Bad Matchmaking Thread

my entire team with was a six stack with 1 phantom player, the rest oracle or below, being put against a 4 stack with at least 1 eternus player, unable to do anything20250301011408_1.jpg

Cheating haze and sizeable average team rank difference, these posts probably dont do anything because its the state of a dead game but yknow, this is it
Can you guys do something about smurfing/cheat accounts already? mid/low tier matches are absolute dogshit stomps you gotta realise how bad this is for the game.
Valve, please for the love of god fix your matchmaking. I really am suffering here because just look at these images. I find these almost on a daily basis and me and my friends can't even have fun man. I have been sending feedback after feedback every game but it just doesn't get noticed. How difficult is it to find an average team of emissary/archon? 2 games in a row i got teammates around my rank which means you can definitely find more of similar rank. Archon vs Ascendent. I really don't know what to say. Look at my images and tell me if this is balanced. You can keep checking my account to find all sorts of loses because of this atrocious matchmaking.


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33459065 CALICO and KELVIN were grieving so hard, I have ran into both those accounts before, and Calico (aka MILK) is relatively newer player, so I don't even know why I'm matchmaking with them. Kelvin (aka Mutant On Mute) has grieved other games in the past.
MatchID: 33488220
This game was over at about the 5 minute mark. If there was a "Forfeit Match" button at that point I would've hit it.
Checking tracklock, Rocaine and Vegas have Eternus games in the past 10 games. (Rocaine has an eternus 6 game in the past 10, vegas has eternus 1 and eternus 2 in the past 10.)

I'm completely aware that the matchmaker at nighttime will be bad (this was a 12:30AMish game? NA servers, that's 12:30AM pacific/west-coast/Los Angeles time) But I would much rather have a 1 minute queue time than a 17 minute and 49 second wait for the enemy team to actually finally kill us.
nevermind I give up for now. After months of the same shit smurfers ruining matches I guess this isn't worth my time.
greiferrs, smurferss, cheaters.... how is this supposed to be a successful release when the data you capture is skewed towards these mofos. I'm with you, this is brutal to play.
Dear Deadlock team, For the matchmaking, please change your algorithm somehow to make it like Dota 2 where we would always find almost similar ranks. You guys are a big company and have made amazing games like Dota, just learn and take from their matchmaking. I came on to play deadlock with friends on the weekend and I was bombarded with amazing losses. You notice that when i win, it takes more than 30mins but if i lose it would always be less than 25? The problem with matchmaking is that you guys dont try hard enough to pair us with proper teammates and proper enemies because there have been a number of games where my team rank average is emisarry or archon 2 to 3 games in a row with oracle enemies. If you can get 2 to 3 games of same ranked teammates, you can certainly find the same for enemies! Please update your matchmaking for the love of god because it isn't fun getting such bad games. Thank you.

I am Arcanist 6/Ritualist 1 (on a good day) and I was placed in an Alchemist 5 match this morning. That is a difference of 7 ranks. And I was third place scorer on my team. So what gives here? If I',m 7 ranks above team average, and I was third place on my team, what the hell rank are McGinnis and Calico? If McGinnis or Calico are smurfs, that's one thing. I don't really care to investigate if they are.

What I really want to know is: how is the team average MMR calculated? And what first time player dragged it down to Alchemist 5? Honestly I feel bad for the entire losing team. This was about as one-sided a game as I have seen on Deadlock.

Thanks for reading.

Thought I'd try again after the recent map update but matchmaking is still broken and now the map is less fun too.
I know. It need teammate more than before.(orb deny are more important than before . Not to mention there don't have solo lane now) And matchmaking system is still bad. I don't know why that they don't want to decrease the play vs play amount (4v4 or 5v5) instead of making new map.Which mean solo queue are more unplayable now.
I play around 600 hours and top 500 in asian server now and I still uninstall it.I may install it until they change something.
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