Bad Matchmaking Thread

ID: 33526985

Completely ridiculous match, the Grey Talon was ranked at a Phantom 5, now consistently performing at mid ascendant performance, in out lobby, a ritualist 3 average. The Mo also was seemingly ban evading. GT was queued with Yamato, Mo, and Kelvin, all brand new to the game
ID: 33529341
Hazzy and Sen X, the #1 and #7 players in oce respectively queue as a party making it impossible to form balanced games as the playerbase in oceania is too small. Please restrict party mmr or just change the queue so it doesn't form games with rank divides like this. This is not the first time I've had a game like this, it is a consistent feature of oce matchmaking.


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Same as last time but somehow even worse. What is the point of matchmaking if the games it forms are unwinnable, an 8 subrank difference (with 2 top 10 players) is just absurd. Please just don't form matches when the ranks are this unbalanced.


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The average rank of the archon team is 6 against oracle's 5, despite the fact that I have an ascendant of 2
I just can't win this game alone because I can't farm, kill, and destroy objects at the same time (I played on Seven)


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ended 118k souls to 176k souls, at the 26 minute mark. the enemy team felt like they were a well oiled machine, pefectly communicating where each of us were to each other, while my team, who appeared to just be solo queues, all were desperatly trying to cordinate a gank. the kill counts tell a very obvious story, one where 45 kills is contrasted with 6 kills, the only lane that wasnt immediately pushed was the lane i started in with mcginnis, and even then. we were going to be ganked if we didnt try and stop the fall of the other lanes.

unsure of the ranks of indiviuals, but they felt much better then my team for sure.
Got absolutely rolled within the first 4 minutes of the game, Vindicta was from EU / Russian servers (and was a total dick) Wasn't even close, Shiv and Vindicta were just mean, terrible match.
really unbalanced teams (40k soul difference)
bebop also had the audacity to pause right before the game ended to call me in particular a thrower (please remove his pause perms thanks)
why are 6 stacks with 2 eternus 6 players allowed why why how is this ever going to be fun for the enemy team


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Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
33588913 My team got 4 kills, the enemy team 57
It seems we had Alch 4 vs Alch 1, which is unbalanced, and if you look at the souls and kills on the Amber team, we had an easy time.
MATCH ID: 33592915