This was the most one sided game I experienced for a while. I don't think it happened only because of the higher skill of the enemy team, but also because of the current state of the game made it much more snowbally. On my lane I faced a decent Seven who was unstoppable. From the very beginning his kit made him dominate the lane, even if I did my best to not feed. As a result, the guy could farm easily, hit "towers" and harass opponents 24/7. Some of the enemies were so strong that people from our team were forced to leave their lanes to stop one or two strong characters.
As a result, the enemy team controlled the entire map, pushed every lanes and farmed the urn at any opportunity. We couldn't clear the waves and at the same time contest any objective.
It was absolutely impossible to stop the snowball. I'm not even mad against my team. It just felt the game was broken.