Bad Matchmaking Thread


All matches just unfun and you can easily tell what team will win within the first 5-10 minutes of the game start
I've had many recent matches where at least 2-3 teammates are new and unaware how important objectives are. They do less than 700 damage to towers in a 30+ minute game. Usually opposing teams have an average of 9k OBJECTIVE damage each to at 30+ minute as well.
Match IDs: [ 22173799 ] , [ 22204723 ] , [ 22355646 ] , [ 22363764 ] , [ 22379285 ] , [ 22574972 ] , [ 22586367 ] , [ 22684258 ], [ 22689557 ],

Image(s) below is one of the more extreme examples. [ 22626287 ] & [ 22694689 ] respectively.
Match ID: 22743648. Matched ended in 19 minutes with nearly 100k souls difference. 4 chinese was playing in a party with 2 smurf accounts. Abrams destroyed me in lane with 38 denies, literally unplayable
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ID 22733406
the haze and geist were new players who got matched up against a premade duo, and the vindicate was a new player too while I have almost 100 hours in this game on that character


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matchid: 22762648

Felt VERY unbalanced, alot of people in my team felt like new players that literally wanders around and dies to people
Match ID: 22442131. Dynamo and Bebop seemed to be new unexperianced players. This escalated to Sapphire team hard stompping the game with a soul lead of 80K at 30min.
Match ID: 22622870. Mirage and Yamato were not on par skill wise to opposing team.
MatchID: 22411917 Absolute steam roll, nothing is fair when the hero's distribution looks like this.
MatchID: 22363468 MMR is off the chain
MatchID: 22357658 All of Saturday night was one sided, like playing professional esports teams
MatchID: 22229801 You can even create excuses for the bad match making here
MatchID: 22217342 Abrams is becoming unplayable against teams of Pocket, paradox, kalvin, shiv and viscous. Nerf the Parry, this hero is all about in your face but everyone knows how to parry and you nerfed everything that made him him.
Match ID 22376777 The only game I've one in four days or so, absolute steam rool 201k to 141k. The balance in this game was tossed out with the last patch. Look at these matches. There are more. I'm just not going to provide the same examples. I've won one match in last four days and I used to go 17 kills and 6 deaths in most matches. You not only broke Abrams, as he's not fun anymore, but the balancing is gone.
MatchID 22774552: Maybe me and my buddy Warden were just not warmed up enough, but 4 out of 4 lanes lost, especially Infernus vs Abrams (how?), doesn't seem too well balanced.
Braindead Infernus + Lash just running it down all game into 6 competent players. 47k nw difference.

Matchmaking is still turbo shit. Idk what adjustments you're making. It's time to revert it back to what it was in September before you made ANY changes. The game is fast becoming unplayable as solo support. Randomly getting lane mates now that just go 0-5 within 6 minutes and this was never the case before. You're handing me omega shit team mates even though I'm top 0.01% and in featured matches. But yeah lets throw some dude with 80 hours into a lane with 500 hours each.
Match ID: 20155183. Infernus winning match single handedly, 115k player damage at 44min with 58k souls, double the damage and kills of any other player. I suspect cheats, but I am still unable to download the replay.
match id: 22783432
70k diff by 17 minute, enemies worked as team, while my team was like first time ever played game with 3 ppl made 0 kills/assists