Bad Matchmaking Thread


These match are just a few example of how bad the MM is atm , i constanly got put into don't know what to do team while enemy team is stacked or at least have a brain . These matchs was so bad that i cant even touch their guardian without dying mid way shoving the lane , losing is part of moba but losing so bad you cant even leave your base for 10 game in a row is mind crushing .
The friendly team is absolutely oblivious, doesn't care about the objectives, and doesn't wanna peel, 0 pressure, the match quality is at all-time low 22786745
Stomp or be stomped, that's the status of the current mm system, 2 games ago ur stomped, this game u stomp clueless enemies.
22799495 - got paired against solo lane vindicta that just crushed me, other folks not fared much better, was over quickly :(
Last few days it's something strange with matchmaking. It looks like a loosing streak as it happens in other games with matchmaking.
Anyway here few matches with the most uneven teams:
usa west coast - mm keeps putting me in 130-150ping servers/ games. will eat low pri games over wasting my time with eu/russian players.

Both had an extreme soul diff and I'm pretty sure some players should've been in a higher mmr server

Match: 22808838

I think the matchmaker expected our Haze and I to carry a 0/15 Lash and a 5/17 Vindicta.
The entire enemy team seemed about the same skill level while our team seemed to have a very wide skill distribution.
The other two teammates were alright considering the circumstances.
177k Souls vs 234k at match end.
The shiv (me) and the yamato (my friend) were stomping them very hard, we would just walk at them and they didnt know what to do. 228157061729017849387.png
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This match is completely rigged, as the opponents were so ahead that by the end of the game the opponents had almost 2 times my team's net worth. The opponents were so clear on what they should be doing while my team kept falling apart the entire game.
Match ID 22814415
My line opponent didn't seem to know how or when to back to heal and claimed to be new, the warden seemed inting for kills instead of objectives, and the overall stump of how fast this went after the 12 min mark makes me think I shouldn't been in this match. A rare case of "my team won but shouldn't won this hard."

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
22819369. Everyone was much better then me once again :(
Match 22925307

Got into a match with an teammate (infernus) who seemed to never played before or is trolling. Hard to tell. Either case they died about every 2 mins in the match. Their line partner didn't do much better either.

Still won but felt everyone skill level was off. Mainly cause no one would try to stun or stop my ult and just try to face tank it for some reason.

I think the screenshots speak for themselves.



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