Bad Matchmaking Thread

between the urn buffs and getting matched with brand new players this game is simply not enjoyable anymore, I have ZERO faith in ranked and frankly I'm done with the game in general. I quit.
match ID: 22636021 - 21:55 minute long match with a 92k - 140k soul difference, I held solo lane alright against Seven but their Dynamo, Warden, and Bebop were way higher than every other player in the match
Match ID: 22634481
You can't farm camps, farm lanes or have a remote chance of killing a hero. Once the snowball starts forming you've lost the game completely, most often within the first 5 minutes of the match.
Unless something is done to reduce the insane amount of power a single item gives in the first stages of the game I'm probably not playing anymore. The matches are decided within 5 minutes and the rest is just farm simulator for one side
1. 22636315
2. 22644854
3. 22655067

The first was very one sided even if it took 37 minutes. The other team was clearly made of experts while we were more casuals
The second one was like the first but worse. The match even ended at 22 minutes
The third one this time we won, but in 27 minutes, 3 of our walkers were still alive and it was pretty noticeable that the other team was more weak and probably newer to the game
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1728939790579.png Broken game up 60k souls like 20 min in? imbalanced really heavily in the other teams direction. Thanks for stealing my elo again gabe :/

The matchmaking gave all the late-game carry heroes (wraith, infernus, seven, haze) to the opponent while we had none. It was an obviously easy early game, but we either win in 20 minutes on inevitably suffer a loss since we have nothing for late.
Match ID: 22640926

A complete stomp that was over after 19 minutes, outcome was mostly decided by 12 minutes. Shiv could have 1v11-d by the end of the game.
MatchID: 22644271
We dominated them from the first 3 minutes, altough we did some interesting tactics in the beggining

Hacker, I left when i noticed so i quit. and got a penalty for leaving.
what I am suposed to do? satisfy the hacker until the end of the game?

22641653 - Loss in just under 22 minutes, 83k soul difference, no guardians destroyed by us, its embarassing that such a game is even possible (stats below)
22647087 - 60k soul difference in 30 minutes, never stood a chance1728942656229.png
22634499 - enemy was way better on every lane. Conversely, 22624737 - we were way stronger than them, no leavers, 4 players on my team 0 deaths, extremely unbalanced game




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