Bad Matchmaking Thread

Match 22579006
Played as Seven in Amber Hand. Lane felt even but rest of the lane got crushed and teammates with double digit deaths feel like new-ish players based on their movement. Dunno if the info is important but I have 10 selected heroes and this was the 2nd game in a row I played as Seven AS WELL AS laned against a Haze in solo lane
22575095 (mirage)

here I am, wondering what the fuck people are doing, as usual.

What the fuck are you people doing with this matchmaker? Stop copying Blizzards homework, and make something people don't laugh at and hope Faceit fixes.

jesus fucking christ.
After the last patch everyone talking Russian in every match, matches feels unbalanced and queue times takes 5 to 10 minutes

This is a fairly balanced 257k vs 280k soul match, but 9 of my past 10 matches have been losses up to that point, and I am starting to see a pattern that might have contributed to it.

Recently, I have noticed more of my games in which teammates ignore the urn. Callouts by clicking the mini map on the urn holder are ignored, leading to losses. The games in which teammates pay attention to the urn fare better, but I feel I have been put in fewer of such games. IIRC, in this particular game, at one point the teammates are so sweaty trying to kill Abrams guarding the urn destination, they forgot the urn completely. I don't know if this helps with matchmaking, but I hope it is at least informative.
russian server as someone in Austria. Makes no sense why I would be there and I do not want to go to russian servers. I would rather sit in queue for 5 minutes.

I live near Frankfurt, Germany. I'm currently in a game of only russian people. The first thing i hear is someone in russian telling me something without asking if i can undestand him or not. Then they proceed to each spam pause and flaming in chat. I muted all of them and pray it is soon over.


Had 2 people die +8 times in the first 5 minutes. They were obviously not supposed to be in this lobby and we had to try very hard not to get rolled in 20 minutes. This is completely unacceptable matchmaking.
22592175 - EU server, team of 4-5 ruzzians spewing shit in voice chat and griefing, asking me to speak their language. i get report revoked for reporting one yelling in vc and writing in cyrillic. EU SERVER BTW. this is one of the things that made me stop playing dota, and i'm seeing the same patterns here.

PS: game enjoyment has been on a steep decline in case it wasn't obvious. and it's not just about skill disparity.
22602092 - 6 hard carries, 5 feeders, MM really cooked this one. This was following a win streak so, clearly a forced loss?


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