Bad Matchmaking Thread

Oracle 2 match on both sides, I am Emissary 6 - 32406050
Archon 6 on both sides, still Emissary 6 (we won, but it should not have been a match) - 32402416
Context: I was playing with a friend, he's emissary 4 and I'm emissary 1.
32413546: We were put in an emissary 1 team, against an archon 4 team.
32414171: We were put in a ritualist 5 team, against an emissary 5 team.
32414859: We were put in an emissary 2 team, against an oracle 4 team.
By the time the last match happened, we just stopped playing because it was unbearable.
Viscous died a lot early on and felt very out of place during this match, they said they havent played in a few months which probably explains it. Maybe there should be a system that deranks you as you become less active? I'd be perfectly fine with losing mmr over time...

Edit: he was lying1738291543742.png
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Match ID: 32448713
0-11 Seven, 1-10 Dynamo (who was running a kinetic pulse build, not support)
20 team kills compared to 48
many examples of terrible elo differentials between teams when multiple high-ish level elo players que together consistantly.
There are plenty more examples on the shadovis account. Which shadovis is also a top na player on leaderboards despite barely playing in eternus games.