Bad Matchmaking Thread

32259137 we full phantoms and we got into eternus 6 lobby? xD even our average team rank was shown to be eternus 6, but really - none of us were having this rank; met mikaels there also
Match ID: 32276045
average rank of Arcanist 6 and the enemy calico, who was playing out of their mind was about emissary 6 to archon 1, game was a complete sweep

Match ID: 32270313
Average rank of ritualist 1 for are team and 2 for the enemy, three of our team members (seven, mcginnis, and paradox) were clearly much lower rank, and were not playing well.
I am still convinced Abrams was a bot despite the fact he responded in chat. However if by some miracle this person is just a new player, then not only does the matchmaking need an overhaul, but there needs to be requirements on actually playing multiplayer because this... This is ridiculous, to a degree that beyond trolling. 0-29-2. WTF. I can almost guarantee this ass didn't play the tutorial and I can't imagine trying to get data out of someone who doesn't even seem to understand the basics of the game they are playing.

Matches 32315891 and 32315285. Was playing in a team of 4 so I'm not sure if that's what caused it, but Seeker V vs. Initiate III is insane. We all felt bad for the enemy team.



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