Bad Matchmaking Thread

ID - 32341836
I am playing Bebop (Amber Hand)
We had base rate at last mins of game
We finished the enemy patron first - We literally won the game

Dear, developers can you explain why it counted as a loss for us?

Here are the screenshots
Here is the replay


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32347283 - Decently unfun game, 4 subrank difference, the I was originally against the Dynamo and the Paradox (who is in Phantom 5) asked for a swap, leading me to face a Phantom 5 haze as an Archon 2 shiv. We still won, I was duo queued with the Bebop, but the point still stands.

Match ID: 32355862

Average Rank - Archon 6
Haze player - Eternus 1
Haze got swapped into Seven, seemly low-ranked player, which lead to a very bad game


32380072: We were absolutely stomped. I'm Emissary 4 and my duo is Phantom 3, so high Archon makes sense (maybe even high Phantom), but the rank disparity here is ridiculous.


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The report feature in this game I feel like does not really work, I keep getting put into games with players that are extremely toxic. Back to back to back games of people on my team or the enemy team throwing out racial slurs and other toxicity. In this game for example, the entire team was being racist for absolutely no reason.


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32387546 - Me and my duo are Ritualist and Emissary and apparently our team is Phantom.
32387220 - In this game also, it's the same, but they are ascendant this time around.

This happened back-to-back, by the way. We did not have fun, man. Just release this game to the public and market it properly.
Insane skill disparity between teams even represented in the average because you allow high elo players to queue together and force matches regardless of there being no opponents of the same level in the pool. South America. I'm really close to quitting the game because of this. It's not fun. Do I have to queue together with other phantoms to stomp archons and emissaries? Should I smurf? I feel like I'm being punished by solo queuing.

Match 32394617

Match 32367145

Match 32365239
Match 32352683

Match 32347276

Match 32314385

Match 32250136

Match 321931001738168160698.png

Match 321469131738168282794.png

These are all matches I've had the displeasure of being a part of and more happen every day. There are more if I go back further but if these aren't enough to show the problem in stark clarity I don't think a couple dozen more are going to help.

Calico was smurfing and disconnects when the game gets rough, Viscous is playing after a huge gap and mostly clueless about the map play.

Please add smurf detection and rank decay.