Bad Matchmaking Thread

I got a weak team, Vindicta died a lot, but I myself am the reason for the bad match selection since I had the rank of phantom 2 and after the update I became archon 5, you can take almost all my matches after the update as an example of bad selection


I'm not even high enough elo to be experiencing this or so i thought but i was put into a lobby of people ranks below mine and the enemy team wasn't as unbalanced and was a more homogeneous rank albeit they didnt have a singular much higher rank? I often see eternus streamers suffer from this, but I'm low ascendant, surely there arent just not enough players for a full ascendant lobby anymore? The queue was abnormally longer before this match, can I have some sort of indicator pop up while I'm in queue after the matchmaker gives up finding a good match for me? I'd rather keep requeueing for some time and know that i either play now and suffer or try again later. Like, knowing what choice I have would be nice
MO Krill played in one line with Vendicta. Feeded her whole game. Didnt farm any after. How he was choosed to be in the same lobby?

No surprise we lost with Vendicta 38k


This Mo Krill should be in much lower lobbies


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Example of Awful hero balancing

Enemy team has all the best heroes with a good spread of hero types. All their heroes are high damage dealers with either utility, tankyness, or very slippery / hard to kill.

Our team is all the worst heroes on one team, Haze, Vindicta, Wraith, Grey Talon, Shiv

Almost no utility on our team just all glass cannon damage dealers that offer nothing to teamfights. We got ran over and couldnt win a single fight.

When I looked at the heroes I can see why. I haven't looked at the win rates but I feel like we have all the lowest win rate heroes.


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29061065 more or less even match but it was "even" only because both our and enemy team had a one way more skillfull player
vindicta is definitely smurfing (this is not the first game i play with this player)
bebop is probably smurfing (i can believe 10k souls gap on an roughly even skill player, but not 20+k)
I'm not even high enough elo to be experiencing this or so i thought but i was put into a lobby of people ranks below mine and the enemy team wasn't as unbalanced and was a more homogeneous rank albeit they didnt have a singular much higher rank? I often see eternus streamers suffer from this, but I'm low ascendant, surely there arent just not enough players for a full ascendant lobby anymore? The queue was abnormally longer before this match, can I have some sort of indicator pop up while I'm in queue after the matchmaker gives up finding a good match for me? I'd rather keep requeueing for some time and know that i either play now and suffer or try again later. Like, knowing what choice I have would be nice
the drop off is precipitous

My team ended up winning, but I felt very out of place with everyone else in the lobby. I was definitely underperforming. It was a late night queue on a Sunday night (when I probably should have been asleep). I really enjoyed being able to see everyone else play the game at a higher level than me though.
2 weeks ago I played four ranked calibration matches, which (at least according to deadlock tracker) were Oracle 3 (win), Phantom 3 (win), Phantom 4 (loss), Oracle 6 (loss). This aligned well with the rank of my matches pretty much since I started playing like 3 months ago, over my 200+ matches. However, I didn't play enough to calibrate. Now, since the most recent matchmaking patch, I figured I'd play a few and get placed and was placed at Emissary 6. Since then I've gone 10-2 with the following KDA's.

28776964 : 14/1/7
28841094 : 16/5/29
28849161 : 13/0/16
28883365 : 13/3/11
28886558 : 7/4/13
28986384 : 11/3/11
28989502 : 10/0/13
28991970 : 9/1/11
28994320 : 14/1/14
28996654 : 10/0/13
28999147 : 12/0/13
29001547 : 5/5/13

My best guess at what happened is that roughly a week before the update I played only a few matches and with some lower rank friends (one somewhere in arcanist, the other in archon) and lost a few. If my rank is based on the previous week only I suppose I could see how this happened. For some more context, according to deadlock tracker I'm 1722 ELO, top 1% of players, and top 2% lash, my match history is almost exclusively oracle and phantom except for when playing with lower rank friends. Regardless, I'm stomping pretty much every game now and people in my matches are complaining about balancing because of it. I was hoping that I'd climb fast or get caught by some sort of smurf detection but it took 8 consecutive wins to rank up once to Archon 1 and I’m still like 11 ranks away from what I normally play at. Frankly I feel like I’m just ruining people’s games and also feel robbed of the previous 200 games I’ve played.View attachment 30853View attachment 30854View attachment 30855
I've been in so many games like those, except on the losing side. It's definitely aggravating. ;-;
Easily the most one sided match I've had in this patch, NONE of the teammates I had belong on this game yet I'm supposed to win on my own. This matchmaking change is going absolutely well, good work.1732596146817.png