Bad Matchmaking Thread

4 matches in a row. Losing team always has haze + infernus + wraith, winning team always has a bunch of CC, some combination of lash, dynamo, abrams, mnk:
27396797 3/8,2/6,2/6,3/6
Do you want two people to lead four people?




I just deleted the game yesterday and was persuaded by a friend to come back! My ranking is stuck in the ELo mechanism!
27555351 - very clearly better players on the enemy team, by a mile
27551240 - very clearly better players on the enemy team, by a mile (especially Mo & Krill)
27455831 - very clearly better players on the enemy team, by a mile (especially Paradox, the skill gap was just ridicilous)

Overall ever since the patch of last friday the matchmaking seems to be completely broken. Not a single game that feels fair in any way, whether winning or losing. Matchmaking worked fine when the "skill gap" warning was still in the game.

I got matched with the same group of griefers twice in a row, even after reporting them and attempting to queue dodge. The games were unplayable, just a waste of an hour. MM is completely broken today, none of these games are fair. I win lane against strong laners like mirage and still lose because I get ganked by people from other lanes with 5k+ soul leads 10 mins into the game. No matter how much I outplay, it doesn't matter. That's not fun.

I had some decent games yesterday, even ones I lost, with good teams on both sides.

I'm the Wraith in those matches.
team is a 4 stack trying to carry some dude that only feeds, solo queue

again, stack bringing along a dude that cant play at all, solo queue

and many more,

solo queue is atrocious

huge skill disparity between teams


I've never seen the matchmaker do this before, we had 2 players (Warden and Seven) that really had no business being in this lobby, and based on pregame chatting it seems they were in a stack (and us 4 were also in a stack). They were literally blindly running down lanes for 40 minutes and dying once every 2 minutes, I'm convinced that was Warden's first game (something the stats don't show is that the Warden tried to trilane for some reason, I guess they were disoriented). I can understand this happening to skewed duo stacks, but the Seven really wasn't much better. I could also understand this happening to skewed 4-stacks, but we have no prequeue warning and we all have 100+ hours, so getting brand new players feels very weird.
27587981 match id ranked

Player on our team has no rank why is there players with no rank playing on a team with ranked players. Stop and fix this its ridiculous as they were steamrolled on their lane and had zero cooperation with the lane partner or team. Clearly a sign of being too new and not of this rank. Fix the rank system to only allow ranked players to only with and against other ranked players. PEOPLE WHO ARE UNRANKED PLAY WITH AND AGAINST OTHER UNRANKED PLAYERS ITS VERY SIMPLE
ID 27590761
We had 2 players on our team who were brand new. this was their first game. The enemy was very skilled and knew how to counter every single one of us. The bebop was very sketchy. He never missed a single hook unless you were out of range and always bomb punched you perfectly. But as soon as you jumped on him he would completely panic. Did not have the game sense of a players who could do what he did. 4 of them had between 11-13 kills EACH but the end and they were just toying with us and not ending the match when they clearly could have
Match Id: 27597628

Game completely one sided from the start. My whole team was feeding from start to finish with no hope of coming back. Couldn't even stay in lane on our side of the map to farm without being killed.