Bad Matchmaking Thread

Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
27710452 crushed lane and whole team lost. I don't even know what the match making is here
Certain Enemy players notably a few were way below the skill level, as pointed out by the team despite them having similar ranked. Just want to point that out

another I "I crush my lane. I gank the other lanes. I am ahead in souls." but my team just doesn't farm doesn't make call outs and runs it down over and over wondering why they keep dying....
this is the reason the player base is dropping at the same rate for the past 2 months

Doesn't matter the match number. There's nothing yall can do about this unless you implement a solution like
and have outlier detection, then actually do something about the players who are like this.

But the game isn't balanced for low MMR is it? so why do I bother
Just played a rank game that had several archon 3+ players against emissary's and a couple obscurus. game was a complete stomp, we had no chance at all. 50K lead in less than 25 minuts.

ID 27726621

I have 12 hours of play-time, but after a couple of great performances. I was placed with 150 hour+ players exclusively. It is fair to say that i got completely destroyed. I don't even understand the game yet, and all my teammates were kind of confused, by my lack of game knowledge.
These are my last 3 games where this happened.

Thats it. I am not playing this game anymore. How in the world these guys represent AVERAGE deadlock player. 3 guardians up btw at 23min, didnt even get those. I am not saying i played well but i cant perform on my own level in these games.

Match ID 27762626

MATCH ID 27765785 I was the infernus and the whole game the viscous and yamato were 10-20k souls behind playing like its their first time