Bad Matchmaking Thread

I don't know what's happened but for the past week I've been getting unbelievably bad games. I know I know, when I have a ton of losses it must be because of bad teammates, right? But for most games I do absolutely fine in lane. I'm either ahead or barely behind, guardian standing, and then people from the other lanes show up with 3-6k leads on their lane opponents (my teammates).

I don't know if you're matching me with parties, or if it's because I started to play Infernus who I don't have many games on, but my game quality has gone down tremendously.

To extend an olive branch, here are two games where I thought I was outclassed and the weak point:
27375929 - the Mirage in this game is either a smurf or a cheater, because he has like 90% winrate on his public games
27327932 - the Haze outclassed me in lane. Maybe I had a bad day/game, but I was under constant pressure compared to normal games

27331390 - the Bebop was a cut above the rest, while the Infernus and Kelvin were absolutely atrocious.

27389878 - Viscous had 1.3k NW at 5 minutes, Haze had 1.7k, their lane opponents Shiv and Paradox had 3.4k. After 2 deaths Viscous completely abandoned the duo lane. Geist and Haze didn't defend base.


27378878 - 0/15 Bebop, Geist who split pushed for 25 minutes.. These 2 players felt like from another planet compared to everyone else in the game

Overall, the issue is always the same. 3-4 people that play completely as expected, 1-2 people that feel like they're playing blindfolded, and the game snowballs out of control.
I've had multiple games in the past few days with very large ranking mismatches. Ascendant players getting laned against Oracle players and I don't even think party play is the reason here. These shouldn't even be put in the same match IMO, I've only played for 3 months but this is the most low quality I've ever experienced

27400132 (Shiv)

0/15 talon
0/21 yamato

my winrate is now 25% because of people like this
i have posted atleast 3 other times in this thread to show off the absolutely abysmal matchmaking
I like to play this game but really people like this Seven should not be playing with me who has close to 200h. I am not saying i am good nor played a shitton but please i will lose my sanity course i have to play with people who plays CoD here or just are not ready for ranked. Yesterday i was enjoying my ranked games first time in 3 weeks, now i feel i am in same ****hole i was first 2 weeks with players who has no intention to cooperative, flaming and blaming.

27432596 - my team lost a solo lane hard and then they just snowballed, we were 60k vs 90k souls at some point and somwehow we caught up on souls at 180k vs 180k, but we couldn't do anything against them in teamfights

4 more shit matches today:
27424785- 20 min stomp
27428263 - Teams completely imbalanced
27433641 - Paradox and Abrams only players on Amber Hand able to hold their own. This one felt like a 2v6
27438405 - Lash, Vindicta, Abrams only players on Sapphire Flame able to hold their own. 3v6

As other players have mentioned, it's getting really frustrating being expected to carry my whole team every game as usually the highest ranked player on the team. It feels like the matchmaking thinks that putting high and low skill players on the same team is balanced vs a team of medium skill players which is just wrong. After consistently getting >50% win rates in previous weeks, I'm now on a 30% win rate for this week because I'm getting matched with players who just don't know what they're doing and being expected to carry them. Is it really that much to ask for to be matched with players of a similar skill level to me?

FYI I've had to put almost every match from this week on here - something is VERY wrong. I didn't even know this thread existed before because the matchmaking was just working great. If this isn't fixed soon people are just going to stop playing (the game has already dropped from 150k players to 50k in just 2 months)

20 minute game, 0 kills to 25 kills. match ID 27456648 . Complete steamroll and didnt feel competitive at any point. Unranked party queue
Match ID: 27460782

While I won this game, this one was a complete stomp, through-and-through. The soul imbalance was very high from beginning to end.
ID: 27467294
Mirage tilted in ranked and decided to throw the game. Please ban him forever from ever playing this game. Ty