Bad Matchmaking Thread

Feels like MMR doesn't even exist anymore. I constantly get matched with people that I know have so few hours in the game because I check their steam profiles. It's completely unplayable these days because I get paired with people that doesn't even know how to press TAB or check incoming damage. It's just a clown fiesta no matter if it's "ranked" or unranked. Barely a sliver of difference between them because you STILL get people with astonishingly low hours outside anything Ascension. Oracle/Phantom is stupid af.
Vindicta has +30K more damage and +20 more kills than the highest count in the entire lobby. Absolutely does not belong to that level.
ID: 26841333
26872850 ranked

Once again why are people who have no rank playing with ranked players. Stop doing this and fix this asap. It makes games so dumb and not worth my time in the end when I see this and these people shouldn't be in my elo. Fix it
Match ID 26875382 standard.

Nobody asked me if this was fun ):

30 min game and the haze has sub 6K damage, the infernus is sub 10k and i have 30K damage and 20K soul lead over these players that should not be in my lobby.

Even though I won my lane so hard they sent two people to my lane every other lane lost.

14 kills for me, second highest on my team is 2, with a max of 4 assists on any other player.
Yamato swaps to solo lane and gets 19k souls at 12 minutes because he doesn't belong in the same elo as the player in the solo lane. People who actively lane swap are ruining matchmaking with how the elo based lanes are yamato should have been in my lane where I would be capable of keeping them at a normal spm but yamato calls for a swap pre-game and gets a free lane win.

With the current matchmaking its so loose that players who are deemed as "best player in lobby" has to play perfect or somehow hard carry every game or the team loses. Slower matchmaking would be millions of times better if players could have quality matches this would also encourage Eternus level players to actually play on their main shortening the que times that would become longer due to the change.

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MatchID: 26886387
MatchID: 26880651
MatchID: 26744397
MatchID: 26741288
MatchID: 26627863
MatchID: 26625472
MatchID: 26621575

Pretty much every match in Ranked that I've played this week has been very once sided, lane match ups were bad, skill matchups were bad, games snowballed so far into the other teams favor so often that they had priority on urn returns even while being ahead in souls because we were stuck in our base. The first couple of weeks of Ranked matchups were really good and felt competitive but every match this week has been an all out stomp. 1/8 for the week so far and the only win was when the other team disconnected due to a player leaving during the laning phase.
Damn ranked is garbage as hell, you get 1-2 games with feeders and you de-rank to oblivion where its just feeders on top of feeders, doesnt matter how you play.
26888639 lost all lanes and the team only got a single kill before losing the game at 18 minutes


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    Screenshot at 2024-11-07 23-03-21.png
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MATCH ID: 26893257

I was the only one doing anything on my team, the rest of my team was feeding. Also had a teammate who said "This is my first Abrahms game" yet I have hundreds of hours in playtime and a ton of games in Mirage. I should only end up with players who never played heroes if I too am doing the same. Very easy to decipher and place people in games this way. No excuse for this one.