Bad Matchmaking Thread


extremely one sided, team never got a flex slot or knew how to lane against 6 people who were completely coordinated
Match ID: 24626892

Queued into a US server when I am from AUS. The game was pretty well unplayable, couldn't land any shots on moving targets and even some melee hits weren't registering.

Can we have some option that will allow us to select the server or maximum ping?
Constant crashing more than anything costing fights and deaths for free mostly on my team while the enemy team rarely get punished during the crashes
Match 24662030

some similar ranked to me and still seemingly a large skill gap between teams.

also, make mic a requirement in ranked.
I just wanted to voice that quickplay matchmaking for every game since October 22 or 23 has been nearly unplayable. I used to wait an average of about 5-10 minutes for a well-balanced game, but recently my queues have been nearly instantaneous. It feels to me that the matchmaker is expecting 1 or 2 higher mmr players will carry a lobby of low mmr players against a team with a more balanced mmr spread. I think this just creates a bad experience for both the players who are thrust into a game they cannot handle as well as the high mmr players to feel they need to carry every game. I've played about 20 or 30 games since October 23 and I think my experience has been so bad since this date that I'm about ready to retire the game and wait for further updates.

I'm perfectly willing to wait 20, 30 minutes for 1 really balanced game rather than 10 seconds for something that wastes my free time. I understand that player numbers are dropping or might be difficult to acquire late at night but this experience is just a bit too unfun for me at the moment.
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24678365 - We were basically double their souls the entire game. Finished in 18 minutes. The most steamrolly game I've played maybe.
Match 24693588

This is likely the most imbalanced match I've played so far - certainly the most in recent games.
Bonus: 3 Amber players break their game-long silence to make a lot of personal attacks and negative comments about the game to another Amber player.

It was quite an unbalanced match. We stomped the enemy, and it was apparent from enemy's gameplay that they were learning the game.
how come my unranked game

24672042 quality so much better than my ranked games? LOL i am thinking about playing unranked more from now on for some good games. lol theres a myriad of retards in my ranked games its almost confounding in nature.​

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