Bad Matchmaking Thread


Extremely odd matchmaking. Their Abrams had close to 40 kills while the rest of the team had more evently distributed kills, did not look like the it was balanced at all.
Just... why? Why whole team have similar ranks, but they SUCK. How it can be? 6/14 4/11 5/8 3/14 2/10 and i 23/10. What's wrong with that ranking system? match id 24556258
I am just confused as to how you are supposed to rank up when this is the matchmaking?

It is basically a gamble if you only play solo. Every single one of my games is like this. It is a coin toss to see what team got more of the semi competent players.


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I got awarded Seeker 6 on rank reveal. It seems my skill level has been drastically lowered as according to tracklock (not that I rely on the info there as a third-party website, however I assume ranks indicated there should be actual revealed ranks of accounts I have been playing with) I was playing with a much higher skill pool on my earlier ranked matches. This really butchered the joy I was experiencing while playing ranked games. Any chance you could check matches I played pre and after rank reveal? What is the reason for this difference?
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-10-24 181215.png
My team:

Yeah yeah I know hurr my team bad. But compared to most of the games I play, in these 2 games, my teammates were just brawling the entire game and completely ignored the map. The second game had 2 of our walkers fall at 11 minutes because 4 people simply didn't go defend a single one. In most of my games, people on both sides are very eager to defend walkers for as long as possible.

Enemy team:

Not even sure where the major difference lied, but it seems all lanes were stomps.
shive and haze seem like new players
please group new players with new players
20 deaths between two people in 25 min with sub 10k dmg dealt
I got awarded Seeker 6 on rank reveal. It seems my skill level has been drastically lowered as according to tracklock (not that I rely on the info there as a third-party website, however I assume ranks indicated there should be actual revealed ranks of accounts I have been playing with) I was playing with a much higher skill pool on my earlier ranked matches. This really butchered the joy I was experiencing while playing ranked games. Any chance you could check matches I played pre and after rank reveal? What is the reason for this difference?
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i have the exact same problem


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Geist has been playing for 2 days, Yamato has been spamming the character for ~7 days and chain-losing.

Matches like this are an unplayable waste of the 26 minutes - went 4-0 vs Abrams in lane, rotated at exactly 10min and *shocker*, bebop and grey owl are being chain-fed by players who can't respond to their (bad) mechanics.

This game allows players to feed far too *quickly* some of these players are spending something like 60% of their playtime just staring at the death screen, the remaining 40% they tunnel straight to power up some member of the enemy team.
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I was winning my lane, it felt like i was up against someone that picked up the game for the first time. When i looked at the score, the enemy team had a 10 0 5 Bepbop in the first 10 minutes of the game. The game ended in 23 minutes, 101K to 144k souls - completely one sided.
I swear I post in this thing like 3 times a day. guys, your matchmaker is honestly awful, sorry to say it, but it genuinely sucks, I either wreck or get wrecked, their is no balanced game. Anyway, heres another! 24590036
This has to be THE WORST ranked matchmaking I got. 3 players feeding intentionally, one text abusing and 3 of them not defending AT ALL while our base was attacked. Honestly, these players deserve a ban..
MATCH ID: 24593216

Match ID: 24594841
Our mirage definitely should not have been in this match, they had 26 deaths. I don't think they were trolling or inting as they were trying to take objectives and fight, they were just far out of their depth.

I was the only player with 100+ hours on my team, the rest were between 20-50 hours and our Seven had 2 hours. The enemy team had (at least) two 200+ hour players. Clearly matched against overall way better players.
- Boosted Haze from partying, no comms, hard feed
- Likely just intentionally feeding shiv. In game stated "it's just quickplay"
- Egregious matchmaking issue. Infernus was an entirely new player in the wrong MMR. No idea how this even occurred.
Use this thread to share matchids for games that you think the matchmaker did a bad job at. If you can explain what you felt was a problem in it that would be helpful as well.

Do not post matchids for games that were within the past 24 hours from this post. Games older than that are fine and games going forward are fine.

Thanks for the help
the worst matchmaking ive ever witnessed in a game up untill now. its just one team gets new players or greefers that just run it down and then leave and the enemy gets full stacked 400 hour players that just stomp every lane. its not fun. or fine for new players to experience this. there has to be some sort of fair matchmaking. when u have this many players and so many players have had this for so long. its not ok to put these 1000 hour players against new players that have under 10 hours. get a grip valve. cannot be that hard to go by hours in the game or something to make it more enjoyable for people wanting to try this game out. becuase u will loose alot of players if this matchmaking continues. ill tell u that right now.
Game ID 24619551
6-7k deficit by 5 minutes, 15k by 10 minutes
Every lane was a complete stomp
My first time in recent memory where i have felt the matchmaking was imbalanced

Admittedly, our 6 stack had the red box of doom "Your party contains a wide skill range of players", but we play together regularly and our matches are usually feel more fairly balanced

Also the match we played right afterwards ended up being a very close 50 minute back-and-forth game so..
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Match ID: 24625120

Biggest stomp I've had yet. <20 minute games should never be happening in a game like this.

Not to mention, I found this game with a <1 second queue time. That's gotta be indicative of something.