RANKED: OOF these last couple were bad. Got to be some useful subtleties you can pick up on by reviewing these.
match 24480669
My team essentially didn't know how the objectives worked mostly and were ignorant to pings / callouts, while conversely the enemies were EXTREMELY coordinated and appeared far more mechanically skilled. I was definitely outmatched by the Shiv I laned against although I managed to cheese just enough to keep from dying, but he was able to escape from my kill because he was consistently on a higher mechanical level even if I out maneuvered him in a few cases with Infuser. Eventually I had to give up lane because tanks are busted.
Rest of the match was a total mess, you can see that at best we had a Lady Geist on par with enemy team, and the only "bad" player the enemies had from observing their gameplay was the Ivy. The souls lead may not have made the imbalance super apparent, but the fights 100% did. Our Mirage and Haze certainly had no business being in the match.
match 24475777
TBH the Dynamo and Yamato on my team should never have been in this lobby, enemies were clearly more skilled all around when it came to quickly and efficiently responding to objectives, urns, team fight mechanics etc.