Add "Active Reload" as a base mechanic

i think ammo management is a big part of the game. Active reload is ridiculously easy to hit and giving the ability to just shorten your reload time would encaurage people pay less attention to their ammo, so idk. This game is actually destroying my habbit of pressin R after each bullet. This is an interesting mechanics, but i dont know if its what this game needs
Idk about this, i still mach reload after breaking a couple of boxes with 2 bullets haha
I think active reload is a noob item. Ammo scavenger for the win. and if you have a larger clip quicksilver reload. or just go titanic magazine and kill people in 1 clip. Several abilities let you reload during their duration too
I think active reload is a noob item. Ammo scavenger for the win. and if you have a larger clip quicksilver reload. or just go titanic magazine and kill people in 1 clip. Several abilities let you reload during their duration too
Active reload is good but needs a tier upgrade or upgrade into other item, right now its not worth to waste an orange slot with that.
Add Kinetic Dash as a base mechanic

Movement mechanics are a core part of making a game skill-driven and fun. I think the game will be more fun with everybody dash-jumping all over the place.