Hi Yoshi - my invite for the official Deadlock Discord has been broken since I first was able to try it. I think it may have been because I didn't sign into the web browser in time (I couldn't get my auth device working at first), and that's the only way it would let me attempt to join. Nothing anymore though.
zonoko all lowercase, is my Discord username, and Zonoko#9376 is my "old" Discord tag.
Today after searching a game for 15 minutes my game crashed like one minute into the game. After that Steam couldn't start downloading some missing files, so I had to relaunch it two times. When I finally rejoined the game, it was already almost lost. I got a 30 minute ban, which disappoints me since I hadn't left any games before this one.
game ID: 30071827
steam friend ID: 284632304
Since the Dev 6 patch I haven't been able to play the game at all. I average 4 frames in the main menu and my caching of shaders bugs out (the numbers go crazy and it never actually finishes)
I've verified game files, reinstalled the game, rebooted my PC, tried other games (they are fine), validated the health of my SSD, installed on another drive, updated my video card drivers, nothing has helped. Is this a forced two week break?
Today I played a game and my game just crashed. After that my steam died so i had to restart my pc twice. I was afk for +-5 mins and my team lost cuz i can't open my game. I got a 1 day ban and low priority match. It was my first time that i left game(not on purpose ofc). Please rewiew it
game id: 29815268
steam id: 1148000948
I meet this cheater already 4 game, he always plays on Vindicta, match id:29387119, unfortunately I couldn't find old id's, but here is from the last match.
Hello dear Yoshi, please deal with the cheaters, I can send you the player ID and a recording of the game, if you cannot identify cheaters, then let us - the players - do it for you.
Player ID (cheater played on Vindicta): 28942275
Won so many ranked games in a row, rank doesn't increase, logged on a day later, my rank decreased from emi 3 to 1, please fix the ranking system this is just pathetic
Hello, I spent 300+ hours in the game, after your update and the new rating system, the selection of players has become the worst, impossible to play, every game is one goal