I have endless muted in game, idk why, mute was for 2 weeks before, was unmuted 12 october, play 2 games say literally 1 word like go mib boss and get muted again i think i recive 2-3 reports maybe because of bad gameplay(i lost lane very bad like 0-5), but i get reported for toxic and get muted again for 16 days, lmao https://steamcommunity.com/id/gozxcnoob/ my steam acc you can check. I think a lot of people face problems with fake reports and bad system. Pls make system like in dota 2 with decency and you can check evertything, not like cs2 system where you just get muted or bad and don't now why or when, and can't fix it if you play a lot of games. that syster gave you permanenn time ban and no matter you play 10 games per day or 1 game per week, that really bad system. Make it like mute for 20 games or 40 not for a certain period. Yoshi pls remake ban system in deadlock