Today update feedback


New member
An update has just been released, today is 09/13.24 (the update is dated 09/12.24)

I immediately noticed that some menu and interface elements have lost their translation, they used to have a translation and now they don't. For example, the inscription "recommended" on the recommended perk for the build. In the game menu, the "Leave Match" and "Cancel Search" buttons have lost their translation. At the same time, the names of all the items were translated, this did not need to be done, leave the original names of the items in English, the main description of the items in Russian.

And there is also no way to write a general feedback on the update in the comments of the update thread, so I will write here: why did they visually change the minimap, it was a good square one, these decorative elements do not fit in a round one when the log of the damage received is open. The mini-avatars of the characters on the map are older, they are more recognizable because they were the same as the avatars of the characters in the upper panel of netvars, and now they have become some kind of pixel-cartoon. And also on my config, the game just flew before this update, now when using ults with heavy effects by me or the enemy, I have freezes for a couple of seconds.
I play on a fairly average pc and the freezes on it are unreal. They happen to me all the time, every fight with the enemy.
The game's hero controls are broken, the ability selection menu does not work correctly and the character does not move in accordance with the buttons pressed

In the first video fragment, I didn't press any buttons at first, then I tried to get out of the fountain
Second one is my try to understand how turn off ability menu.
When pressing tab the menu was turned off (let me remind you that the movements are not correct), when pressing alt the zipline icon was turned off

Plus freezes yes
Item translations are awful, a lot of them doesn't even fir in their corresponding fields.
Pls revert this, and if it's possible, stick to the Dota 2 translation model, which is awesome