Time Stop from Paradox's Kinetic Carbine no longer slows parries


New member
As of right now, Time Stop from Paradox's Kinetic Carbine does not slow down parries, which used to be the case. Since this change was not mentioned in patch notes, I'm reporting it as a bug.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Go into Hero Sandbox and select Paradox as your hero.
  2. Create an enemy Paradox and press Make Mimic.
  3. Optionally, level up Kinetic Carbine once to increase Time Stop duration.
  4. Use Kinetic Carbine, wait for it to charge, then shoot at the bot.
  5. While Time Stopped, press parry.
Expected behavior: while under the effect of Time Stop, there should be a delay between pressing the parry keybind and parry activating.
Current behavior: parry activates immediately, only the parry animation is slowed (which does not affect whether you are actually parrying).
Dynamo's Quantum Entanglement doesn't seem to be getting slowed either. Seems a bit unfair considering the fact that Ivy's Stone Form, Pocket's Enchanter's Satchel and Viscous's Cube do get slowed.
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