
Mystic Wand
§ 4,250 [Components: Mystic Shot 1250]
+16% Weapon Damage
+8 Spirit Power
+10% Ability Duration
Passive 5.75s
Your next bullet deals bonus Spirit Damage and will also put a root effect on the enemy. The root immobilizes and also deals Spirit Damage per second depending on the opponent's current movement speed.
(You cannot move, jump, or use movement abilities during this effect)
+80 Spirit Damage
1.3s Root Effect Duration
10 DPS per 1 m/s
My opinion about this item:
Mystic Shot is a good item as it is, but I think it also needs upgrade like Soul Shredder Bullets. For many heroes (like Lash, Pocket) it would be nice to have an item that helps them realize their abilities even more. By shooting it, you can immobilize your opponent and successfully push all your abilities into him or buy some time. But also this item can counter mobile heroes (still like Lash, Pocket) by rooting them and dealing damage from the current movement speed.
The last idea with damage based on m/s may be absurd, but I think it's quite unusual. Imagine you are a Seven with +-15 m/s: With one shot (damage counted by default) you will deal 80 spirit damage + 214.5 spirit damage for the root effect. Base root effect 1.3s. (+10% Ability Duration stat = 1.43s.), damage per unit m/s = 10. So 15 m/s = 150dps*1.43=214.5dps +80shot =294.5 total damage.
Remember that all item values are written approximately. And it is up to the developers to decide whether it is balanced or not.
What do you think?