Suzu (AoE Cleanse)


New member
I propose a support item for the mid-to-late game. Considering its potential to negate player abilities and ultimates, a cost of 6,000 souls seems appropriate.

The item would function as a throwable, akin to Kelvin’s frost grenade, and would remove all debuffs and crowd control effects within its area of effect (e.g., waking up slept characters, releasing players from the warden's cage).

I envision this item having a 10-meter area of effect and a relatively short cooldown of 40 seconds. This addition would enhance support roles, helping to prevent excessive stunning and reducing the necessity for every player to carry individual anti-stun items.

This is different from the other user suggested item because it doesn’t affect a massive area and doesn’t remove effects from enemies just allies.

Thanks for reading c: