Soul Seeker


New member
Currently, ganking the jungle to shut down people focusing on farm requires a bit of staring at the map and waiting for icons to disappear, using that information to make predictions about where to go. It turns out to be easier to just push buildings and try to deprive the enemy team of the farm on their side of the map.

I thought about Smoke of Deceit a lot, but whether that fits in Deadlock is a topic for another time, plus it's been discussed before.

What if we had a $3000 Spirit item:

Soul Seeker

+8 Spirit Power
+100 Bonus Health
+2 m/s Sprint Speed

Active (90s cooldown): Ping the location of the nearest enemy with over 300 Unsecured Souls now and once every 4 seconds for 8 seconds (3 pings total), revealing them on the minimap and showing their outline to your team.

While the existence of an item like this would encourage ganking and could potentially create a focus on kills for some players, it could also have a number of substantial effects on the way teams organize themselves on the map. The threat of this item could slow down aggressive jungling, potentially incline people more toward pushing lanes for Secured Souls, make people less likely to jungle far away from their team, or incentivize players spending lots of time in the jungle to make more frequent trips to the store.
To stop power farming they need to redo whole economy, not present patch aid to allow people somewhat counter them, Also with stamina spam or high ms you can reveal 2 or 3 enemies position and just pick off without counter play. Too much potential to abuse in coordinated environment.
Also with stamina spam or high ms you can reveal 2 or 3 enemies position and just pick off without counter play. Too much potential to abuse in coordinated environment.

It's not really hard to program it to remember which person it chose on its most recent activation and ping that person, the exploit you're trying to bring up wouldn't last a day if it even made it past QA. Could also make it ping the wealthiest person instead of nearest, etc.
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It's not really hard to program it to remember which person it chose on its most recent activation and ping that person, the exploit you're trying to bring up wouldn't last a day if it even made it past QA
Your argument is really naive, as if QA exist in big companies, but still it allowing for free pick offs but now will require someone from enemy team to show up, so you can pinpoint location of others, excluding 2 already known. Still my point stands. No one gonna have a target painted on their head just because someone bought a funny item. Bad design imo