Character Name: Prism/Tesseract
Design: A semi translucent character, that focuses on positioning of themself and etheric walls to either empower line of sight based abilities and bullets from allys, or weaken the same from enemies.
1: Etheric Wall: Prism creates an etheric wall. Any bullets or abilities that pass through this wall are modified. Amplification for allies, weakening for enemies.
2: Etheric Movement: Prism is able to translocate themself directly in-front of an ally or enemy unit. Couple this with Etheric Wall to boost outgoing damage, or minimise incoming damage.
3: Fractal Nature: Prism is able to drop a portion of themselves. This fractal prism acts as an ally unit for Prism's Etheric Movement
4: Duality (Passive): Prism shifts further into the etheric plane. Both ally and enemy bullets and abilities pass through prism (similar to the wall) Ally abilities are boosted, while enemy abilities are weakened. The weakened damage amounts apply to both prism and the closest ally directly behind her.
TBH, 4 would be hard to implement and balance. I just thought it would be a cool idea for a character. Someone you have to shoot through, to gain an advantage on bullets and abilities. And likewise on minimising damage from incoming. Since a lot of the abilities are line of sight based, this type of character could be very interesting in a proper team environment.
You could also work visibility into the build, perhaps Prism/Tesseract only becomes translucent from one side, allowing their allys to shoot through them, and blocking vision from the enemies. This way, you could do away with the hard to balance damage negation/share, and just have a visibility-based mechanic.
I would also potentially swap out the 3rd ability for some type of healing ability. As this character would be intended as a tanky support character. Capable of standing in the front lines and taking damage, while minimizing damage for allys (with the wall) and/or an individual (the carry)
Design: A semi translucent character, that focuses on positioning of themself and etheric walls to either empower line of sight based abilities and bullets from allys, or weaken the same from enemies.
1: Etheric Wall: Prism creates an etheric wall. Any bullets or abilities that pass through this wall are modified. Amplification for allies, weakening for enemies.
2: Etheric Movement: Prism is able to translocate themself directly in-front of an ally or enemy unit. Couple this with Etheric Wall to boost outgoing damage, or minimise incoming damage.
3: Fractal Nature: Prism is able to drop a portion of themselves. This fractal prism acts as an ally unit for Prism's Etheric Movement
4: Duality (Passive): Prism shifts further into the etheric plane. Both ally and enemy bullets and abilities pass through prism (similar to the wall) Ally abilities are boosted, while enemy abilities are weakened. The weakened damage amounts apply to both prism and the closest ally directly behind her.
TBH, 4 would be hard to implement and balance. I just thought it would be a cool idea for a character. Someone you have to shoot through, to gain an advantage on bullets and abilities. And likewise on minimising damage from incoming. Since a lot of the abilities are line of sight based, this type of character could be very interesting in a proper team environment.
You could also work visibility into the build, perhaps Prism/Tesseract only becomes translucent from one side, allowing their allys to shoot through them, and blocking vision from the enemies. This way, you could do away with the hard to balance damage negation/share, and just have a visibility-based mechanic.
I would also potentially swap out the 3rd ability for some type of healing ability. As this character would be intended as a tanky support character. Capable of standing in the front lines and taking damage, while minimizing damage for allys (with the wall) and/or an individual (the carry)