Please, dont translate names!


New member
In Russia translating names directly is sign of bad translation quality. We associate this with cringy mobile games for children, but this game is good and doesnt deserve this. Even transcribtion sometimes is cringy, like Raze is Рэйз, it is better to leave names as they are in english. Dont translate names, please!
Fully agree. At least item names should stay non-translated. Or, perhaps, add such option to settings to see item names in English even the game itself is localized to Russian (or any other language). Item names are usually iconic, like a name of a brand. When playing most games (especially cybersports), players traditionally call the items as they are in English. And even if a player does not know English) This also concerns abbreviating the names. Like the mentioned "Lucky Shot". Most players would still refer to this item as "Lucky Shot" or "LS", and translating it into Russian will only confuse newcomers, actually. Because no one of them wil understand that "Удачный выстрел", or "Счастливый выстрел" (or whatever its translation will be) is actually LS.