Ok who thought the haze buff was a good idea?

I legit do not care what your pseudo-stats have to say before they were taken down in the first place for being controversial to even have in such an early development, unbalanced mess of a game. I also do not care what "High MMR" has to say either on the topic of Haze. Just because I can tell newer players or anyone really on how to deal with her such as:

"LOL just:
- Buy metal skin bro (It's only for about 3 seconds or so which is way shorter than her ultimate or her simply shooting you btw)
-Just silence her when she inevitably goes in with ult bro
-Just wait for her same one combo play every match of pressing silencer+ricochet (and often unstoppable) and inevitably killing a couple teammates before you can kill her in return, because that's fun for everybody for it to happen every match??

-And when she does go in she will almost always kill atleast 1-2 teammates before you can react to her since not everybody is on the same wavelength ever besides in .1% MMR playing perfectly to deal with an instant kill, and even then she will still make the same play and STILL kill people even in highest MMR with the same one combination of items from lowest elo

-But it's ok because it's part of Haze gameplay to almost always guarantee yourself a kill or two because you are the cool gimmick main character one-shot assassin that you can shit-talk in all-chat with when people don't play perfectly around you, as you are essentially a whole minigame inside of a game to deal with"

Yes, that really sounds fun doesn't it? I'm not glorifying her, i'm not in an echo chamber of haze-haters, this is literally just how every match goes when somebody starts using the same one haze build and play, because she is a god-awful design that falls to the same unbalance that other characters will because of how this game is fundamentally flawed just like in DOTA, where items will absolutely break certain characters because that is how both of these games work.

In most MOBAs, balance is centered around characters more than items, but in this type of MOBA, items mean everything because for some reason they can't seem to break out of the same design mentality whether that be "Icefrog balancing" or whoever else decides. Items, especially active ones, are supposed to make or break every match with even decent MMR, active items have extremely low cooldowns for no good reason, and even many passive items are broken in the same aspect.

An item that REVIVES you has almost a base cooldown of TWO MINUTES. That's right, an item that REVIVES YOU has an extremely low cooldown, so you buying it early has an INSANE value for the rest of the inevitably long game, as half of it's cooldown will often be gone for you simply being dead in spawn. And that's a passive item, not an active even, and just one of many examples.

So going back to Haze, why is it OK to you apologists that she gets to be successful in majority of matches by doing the same one combo, with the same combination of items? Hell, she could opt for not best in-slot and still pull very similar results, albeit with SILENCING EVERYBODY in her massive AoE. Do you love hell, and that's why you played DOTA so much too? You should want this game to be better.

I'm honestly so dissapointed already that this game is falling under the same mistakes as DOTA, as well as the same mentality from before that will huff farts essentially from Valve and that enjoy shitting on people that either simply don't get your gimmick gameplay yet, or simply don't want to play your minigame, because I sure as hell don't every game, I get tired of it.

Whether it be Haze's gimmick gameplay or other character's, that fall under the same issue of being the same thing every single game, yet they perform spectacular every game because it's just that broken with the combination of their kit and broken-ass items.

But sure, tell your friends or other annoyed players how to deal with them, "Oh... that's how it is, we just have to deal with this kind of gameplay every match once the honeymoon phase ended for me? The Haze that just silenced and one-shot our team in our spawn jumping into it, I have to expect that now?" they surely won't roll their eyes and get tired of playing just like they did in DOTA, it's not because me or them or anyone else is bad either, they just don't enjoy the same circle of hell as you do.
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Heres my take why haze has a mid win rate :

- at low elo, only few people know how to play haze, 99% of haze user in low elo dont fully know how to play it, which make her has low win rate

a good haze will pub stomp in this elo with 99% win rate, but only low amount of people can pull this off, but for them, its a guarantee win.

the rest haze player is either trash or practicing haze to immitate a good haze they just good bullied from.

- at mid elo, almost all of haze player has already know how to play them, this is where haze getting dicey, because everyone know, even if you have the upperhand on the match, but refuse to end the match and or build item to punish haze spesifically, (which we all also know, everyone in mid elo is selfish) you will end up losing, this is where haze became a problem and the winrate in this elo as haze player is very high, high enough to balance the low win rate from low elo.

- at high elo(i meant the top 5% pro elo), yeah she pretty much balance cause they will just punish haze as early as possible before she became a headache, and end the game as fast as possible with taking mid boss and everything, and the whole team actually know what to do and act coordinated like a pro team, haze win rate in this elo is pretty balanced.

That means 95% of the rest of the player will just lose to a good haze unless youre a coordinated pro team, no matter what, this is whats the problem with haze.

You winning the lane, you win all the tower, pretty much dominating the rest of haze team, then haze suddenly getting out of nowhere after non-stop farming and bam, suddenly youre losing.

Fighting a good haze, is fighting against time, not fun.
- Buy metal skin bro (It's only for about 3 seconds or so which is way shorter than her ultimate or her simply shooting you btw)
dont forget its 3k, if everyone in your team buys it to counter Haze it sets your team back 18k which is a lot just to maybe counter a single champion. Not really sure how that would work with the duration of metal skin
dont forget its 3k, if everyone in your team buys it to counter Haze it sets your team back 18k which is a lot just to maybe counter a single champion. Not really sure how that would work with the duration of metal skin
And you need a full coordination to buy that item for a all the team(which probably never gonna happen unless youre full 6 discord team)

And that metal skin isnt even out-timing the haze ult, so if you dont have stamina to dash out from her ult, you probably dead anyway.

That ult need to be reworked.

For haze main, no, we dont talk your ult when the match is still 10 minute or 20 minute in the game even, we talk about your ult when the match already 30+ minute, when it reach 2k dps TO A TANK character, so approx death/mili-second for the rest of your team
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Brooo NERF HAZE, her attack scaling is way too much, the fact that her machine gun can be a clip of 80 bullets and is a laser even from long range makes no sense. Also the sleep dart is way too strong, she just has to go invis, sleep you for like 5 seconds, and stand in front of you to empty her clip. It is way too overpowered, no metal skin is going to do anything against that, especially if she has bullet lifesteal, the fire rate with movement speed also helps her gate away from any engagement. Which is fine. but her being as strong as she is makes no sense.

Literally every game I've played Haze is almost at double the soul count from kills because she can easily farm and kill heroes with her mag size and damage scaling.

Brooo NERF HAZE, her attack scaling is way too much, the fact that her machine gun can be a clip of 80 bullets and is a laser even from long range makes no sense. Also the sleep dart is way too strong, she just has to go invis, sleep you for like 5 seconds, and stand in front of you to empty her clip. It is way too overpowered, no metal skin is going to do anything against that, especially if she has bullet lifesteal, the fire rate with movement speed also helps her gate away from any engagement. Which is fine. but her being as strong as she is makes no sense.

Literally every game I've played Haze is almost at double the soul count from kills because she can easily farm and kill heroes with her mag size and damage scaling.


Haze is stupid to be against especially in a 1v1 mid game and late game. But honestly when Metal Skin isn't enough get Curse. Even better get both. Metal skin to get out of her ult, get some damage in, curse her and finish her off. (Until she gets unstoppable of course).

You know Haze is going to roam and soul farm 80% of the the time trying to get that 1v1 or jump in a team fight to pop ult and then continue on to farm. If you have seen here at a lane you can most likely predict the camps she will visit, use that and catch her farming and gank with a teammate if possible.

Haze doesn't like to share souls with others so she will most likely be places the other enemies aren't at lol

Lifesteal, get a dedicated person to counter Haze let them build some anti-heal as well she is super squishy so removing the heal from her makes her very vulnerable

There is a ton of things you probably could do to counter her. But it also really depends on who plays Haze. I've had many matches where the Haze goes 2-xx-xx. Didn't know how to farm, how to engage and use her ult etc. At that point I deem the Haze not a threat and work on countering maybe a better Abrams instead
Haze is stupid to be against especially in a 1v1 mid game and late game. But honestly when Metal Skin isn't enough get Curse. Even better get both. Metal skin to get out of her ult, get some damage in, curse her and finish her off. (Until she gets unstoppable of course).

You know Haze is going to roam and soul farm 80% of the the time trying to get that 1v1 or jump in a team fight to pop ult and then continue on to farm. If you have seen here at a lane you can most likely predict the camps she will visit, use that and catch her farming and gank with a teammate if possible.

Haze doesn't like to share souls with others so she will most likely be places the other enemies aren't at lol

Lifesteal, get a dedicated person to counter Haze let them build some anti-heal as well she is super squishy so removing the heal from her makes her very vulnerable

There is a ton of things you probably could do to counter her. But it also really depends on who plays Haze. I've had many matches where the Haze goes 2-xx-xx. Didn't know how to farm, how to engage and use her ult etc. At that point I deem the Haze not a threat and work on countering maybe a better Abrams instead

I believe it's really important for people to remember that alot of "counterplay" in general in this case comes from the Haze player misplaying or not. While you may have items to counter her or try to play to safe, ultimately it is up to the Haze player of choosing a good or bad time to go in, and what they themselves build. Therefore, if the Haze is good enough (which isn't hard, they almost all buy the same exact thing), then they will wait for atleast 2 or 3 people to be grouped up at a bad time, she jumps in popping silencer with ult, and there is literally nothing to be done by then.

At that point, if you try to CC her from the outside even if you AREN'T silenced, she will also often have unstoppable because that is a common 3rd 6,200 souls buy for her, sometimes earlier. So tell then, if people in the AoE are silenced, and ones outside cannot CC her while she sustains, then what is the counterplay?
Brooo NERF HAZE, her attack scaling is way too much, the fact that her machine gun can be a clip of 80 bullets and is a laser even from long range makes no sense. Also the sleep dart is way too strong, she just has to go invis, sleep you for like 5 seconds, and stand in front of you to empty her clip. It is way too overpowered, no metal skin is going to do anything against that, especially if she has bullet lifesteal, the fire rate with movement speed also helps her gate away from any engagement. Which is fine. but her being as strong as she is makes no sense.

Literally every game I've played Haze is almost at double the soul count from kills because she can easily farm and kill heroes with her mag size and damage scaling.

Just a reminder that her sleep wears off almost instantly if you take damage, so... no, she cannot just stand in front of you and fire while you're sleeping.
Just a reminder that her sleep wears off almost instantly if you take damage, so... no, she cannot just stand in front of you and fire while you're sleeping.

Her sleep is an insanely good ability regardless. Given that for some reason has the same duration of sleep whether she uses it at any range, she can choose to set herself up in an optimal position, use actives, buy time for herself or for her team, or to escape. I've seen it used most often either to charge a heavy attack as she continues her onslaught of like 80 bullets after, or the other half of the time she simply pops her sleep on me and she runs away, as i sleep for like 4 seconds??
Her sleep is an insanely good ability regardless. Given that for some reason has the same duration of sleep whether she uses it at any range, she can choose to set herself up in an optimal position, use actives, buy time for herself or for her team, or to escape. I've seen it used most often either to charge a heavy attack as she continues her onslaught of like 80 bullets after, or the half of the time she simply pops her sleep on me and she runs away as i sleep for like 4 seconds??
I'm not commenting on the efficacy or strength of her sleep, just saying that it doesn't keep you stunned while you're being damaged. That's all. :3
Haze is stupid to be against especially in a 1v1 mid game and late game. But honestly when Metal Skin isn't enough get Curse. Even better get both. Metal skin to get out of her ult, get some damage in, curse her and finish her off. (Until she gets unstoppable of course).

You know Haze is going to roam and soul farm 80% of the the time trying to get that 1v1 or jump in a team fight to pop ult and then continue on to farm. If you have seen here at a lane you can most likely predict the camps she will visit, use that and catch her farming and gank with a teammate if possible.

Haze doesn't like to share souls with others so she will most likely be places the other enemies aren't at lol

Lifesteal, get a dedicated person to counter Haze let them build some anti-heal as well she is super squishy so removing the heal from her makes her very vulnerable

There is a ton of things you probably could do to counter her. But it also really depends on who plays Haze. I've had many matches where the Haze goes 2-xx-xx. Didn't know how to farm, how to engage and use her ult etc. At that point I deem the Haze not a threat and work on countering maybe a better Abrams instead
Sure, I'll spend 10,000 souls just to fight a single character, a really good idea, and then I'll spend my time and that of my ally just to prevent that character from getting strong, it really seems like a very weak character to me, you just need to spend 10k on counters and call one or more allies to gank it, it seems like a really balanced character.
Friend turned me on to this thread, and I felt the urge to contribute to the discourse. Mostly for my own sake, because I like to chatter.

1. Items counter more than just one person. I don't buy Reactive Armor just to counter Vindicta. I do it because typically, there are 3-4 people on the enemy team that can cc me. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the speed with which you get your core build so that you can survive long enough to get it later in the game.

2. You can view the Haze's entire item build. Is she investing into Bullets/Fire Rate like 80% of mid-rank Hazes tend to do? Metal Armor or Withering Whip. Is she getting Unstoppable?.. well... Metal Armor or Warp Stone. That's, at most, 3000 souls, and they are multi-purpose like every other item in the game. In fact, when I hear her beginning her ult, I generally warp stone instantly out of her ultimate and take 0 damage. You could even get Divine Barrier (1250 souls) and pop it/dodge-run the moment you hear her ulting. OPTIONS!

3. Haze won't delete your HP so fast that you couldn't get out of her ult, assuming you have a dodge. At 1400 HP, I can generally get out of her ultimate with one dodge before I drop below 800-1k HP, depending on her item loadout. After 45 min, then sure. Instant deletion.

4. Games typically take about 30 minutes or so to complete. That isn't enough time for Haze to become 'unstoppable' unless she was out of control that entire game, at which point it is literally a skill issue (assuming no cheats).

5. There is no shame in being outplayed by Haze. I am still figuring out how to deal with Geists who go Lifedrain first, Warden's ridiculous attack speeds and damage, and speed Dynamo's unreasonable level of tanky positional power.

6. If Haze is in almost every single game, you have the most opportunity to figure out how to counter her while dealing with an entire team. Take it as an opportunity. I did, and Haze is literally feed for me now about 75% of the time (alongside Wraith, and Talon, and Infernus, etc etc).

For real, talking about Haze being able to position herself into the middle of the team and ult. How many of you have dealt with Majestic Leap Dynamo flying in, ulting, and using double refresher for far less investment than Haze needs to do damage. You want to talk about frustrating? At least I can get away from Haze's ultimate with an item or two. I would need precognition to deal with Dynamo and his annoying 0.2s windup ultimate.
Friend turned me on to this thread, and I felt the urge to contribute to the discourse. Mostly for my own sake, because I like to chatter.

1. Items counter more than just one person. I don't buy Reactive Armor just to counter Vindicta. I do it because typically, there are 3-4 people on the enemy team that can cc me. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the speed with which you get your core build so that you can survive long enough to get it later in the game.

2. You can view the Haze's entire item build. Is she investing into Bullets/Fire Rate like 80% of mid-rank Hazes tend to do? Metal Armor or Withering Whip. Is she getting Unstoppable?.. well... Metal Armor or Warp Stone. That's, at most, 3000 souls, and they are multi-purpose like every other item in the game. In fact, when I hear her beginning her ult, I generally warp stone instantly out of her ultimate and take 0 damage. You could even get Divine Barrier (1250 souls) and pop it/dodge-run the moment you hear her ulting. OPTIONS!

3. Haze won't delete your HP so fast that you couldn't get out of her ult, assuming you have a dodge. At 1400 HP, I can generally get out of her ultimate with one dodge before I drop below 800-1k HP, depending on her item loadout. After 45 min, then sure. Instant deletion.

4. Games typically take about 30 minutes or so to complete. That isn't enough time for Haze to become 'unstoppable' unless she was out of control that entire game, at which point it is literally a skill issue (assuming no cheats).

5. There is no shame in being outplayed by Haze. I am still figuring out how to deal with Geists who go Lifedrain first, Warden's ridiculous attack speeds and damage, and speed Dynamo's unreasonable level of tanky positional power.

6. If Haze is in almost every single game, you have the most opportunity to figure out how to counter her while dealing with an entire team. Take it as an opportunity. I did, and Haze is literally feed for me now about 75% of the time (alongside Wraith, and Talon, and Infernus, etc etc).

For real, talking about Haze being able to position herself into the middle of the team and ult. How many of you have dealt with Majestic Leap Dynamo flying in, ulting, and using double refresher for far less investment than Haze needs to do damage. You want to talk about frustrating? At least I can get away from Haze's ultimate with an item or two. I would need precognition to deal with Dynamo and his annoying 0.2s windup ultimate.
yeah, dynamo leap, even with warpstone and refresher is such a clutch play.

but still, a good haze is a menace for mid elo players, a guaranteed win for them.

theres some knowledge check needed so people know its to handle her.
but the knowledge check itself to handle her is what makes her powerfull.

for common people, which is majority of people who play the game, the knowledge check isnt there yet.

and i still would say, 2k dps area no-aim skill is too overpowered.

with full gear seven or dynamo, atleast we have a way to handle it with 3 second window, with haze, we only have 0,5 second window to handle it which otherwise the damage been done.
yeah, dynamo leap, even with warpstone and refresher is such a clutch play.

but still, a good haze is a menace for mid elo players, a guaranteed win for them.

theres some knowledge check needed so people know its to handle her.
but the knowledge check itself to handle her is what makes her powerfull.

for common people, which is majority of people who play the game, the knowledge check isnt there yet.

and i still would say, 2k dps area no-aim skill is too overpowered.

with full gear seven or dynamo, atleast we have a way to handle it with 3 second window, with haze, we only have 0,5 second window to handle it which otherwise the damage been done.
Eh.. I am not confident enough to say it is a guaranteed win for mid elo. This is anecdotal but I would humbly say that I am around mid elo, it is generally where I rank in most moba games due to solo Q randomness. Haze probably wins 30% of the games against me, and it isn't even entirely due to me hunting her down.

Dealing with Haze is ultimately a team effort (dealing with any snowball is a team effort). You get punished for bunching too hard, for responding too slowly, and for their team coordinating better than you. There are ways to counter Haze, and it is a knowledge and reflex check. Hell, communication also works. I ping Haze every time I see her.

It also requires a willingness to actually experiment a bit with items, counter-items, characters, and playstyles.

In other instances, it is literally accepting the fact that you can't fight her, to focus on the rest of her teammates, avoid getting caught out alone, and sticking to groups without bunching hard enough to get ulted down together.

My friend who pointed me to this thread plays Viscous and Abrams a lot. He will literally laugh at Haze as she is ulting and punch her to death, or bowl her over as a ball. She isn't a god, just a glass cannon. Deny her her ability to cannon, and she is literally glass.
Honestly all you have to do is buy return fire and metal skin and you automatically win against her. If she's absolutely massive those two items basically nueter her for you to either escape or for you to kill her.
Eh.. I am not confident enough to say it is a guaranteed win for mid elo. This is anecdotal but I would humbly say that I am around mid elo, it is generally where I rank in most moba games due to solo Q randomness. Haze probably wins 30% of the games against me, and it isn't even entirely due to me hunting her down.

Dealing with Haze is ultimately a team effort (dealing with any snowball is a team effort). You get punished for bunching too hard, for responding too slowly, and for their team coordinating better than you. There are ways to counter Haze, and it is a knowledge and reflex check. Hell, communication also works. I ping Haze every time I see her.

It also requires a willingness to actually experiment a bit with items, counter-items, characters, and playstyles.

In other instances, it is literally accepting the fact that you can't fight her, to focus on the rest of her teammates, avoid getting caught out alone, and sticking to groups without bunching hard enough to get ulted down together.

My friend who pointed me to this thread plays Viscous and Abrams a lot. He will literally laugh at Haze as she is ulting and punch her to death, or bowl her over as a ball. She isn't a god, just a glass cannon. Deny her her ability to cannon, and she is literally glass.
Ahhh, i get it from your reply now, you havent meet a good carry haze then.

Yeah, you can punch her to death when she ult, for sure, that just prove one thing, the haze isnt online yet, and probably will never be because she play like trash, for ever putting herself out-dps a 600dmg/punch
Honestly all you have to do is buy return fire and metal skin and you automatically win against her. If she's absolutely massive those two items basically nueter her for you to either escape or for you to kill her.
Return fire work on her, to an extend, but youll die first(within half a second that is) before she even take any serious damage due to bullet leech.

I tought you know these, smh.
I agree with the Sentiments that she needs to be nerfed.

For one thing, she is brain dead. If you have a pulse then you can go 20-0 really easy with her. So her barrier to entry compared to how strong she is doesn't exist. So in the hands of someone decent she is a monster. Compare her to like Yamoto that requires a lot more to be able to play well and she doesn't compare to how hard haze can carry.

The items that "counter" her barely do anything. Metal skin doesnt last long enough for you to kill her from her ult that she is lifestealing from your entire team. And return fire is completely worthless because of lifesteal. Then you need to buy healbane on top of that. Now you spent over 9k to counter ONE HERO. I get the items can be "useful" for others but you also would be better off buying other items instead like armor.

Her ult would need to be changed. I think the radius it has at lvl 1 is the max distance it should have, same with the duration. It does more than enough damage in that short amount of time to kill anyone at any point in the game. That or it needs to scale less and it shouldn't apply item procs.

Her 3 needs to be tonned down since it gives such insane attack speed for doing basically nothing other than shooting your target.

Or buff the items that "counter" her. Make return fire not the worst item in the game, buff the damage it returns for gun damage to like 120% or have it negate lifesteal. Its such a garbage item.

As it stands right now matches come down to "Is Haze on your team? Then you win!". Assuming the Haze has a working mouse and keyboard.
Friend turned me on to this thread, and I felt the urge to contribute to the discourse. Mostly for my own sake, because I like to chatter.

1. Items counter more than just one person. I don't buy Reactive Armor just to counter Vindicta. I do it because typically, there are 3-4 people on the enemy team that can cc me. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the speed with which you get your core build so that you can survive long enough to get it later in the game.

2. You can view the Haze's entire item build. Is she investing into Bullets/Fire Rate like 80% of mid-rank Hazes tend to do? Metal Armor or Withering Whip. Is she getting Unstoppable?.. well... Metal Armor or Warp Stone. That's, at most, 3000 souls, and they are multi-purpose like every other item in the game. In fact, when I hear her beginning her ult, I generally warp stone instantly out of her ultimate and take 0 damage. You could even get Divine Barrier (1250 souls) and pop it/dodge-run the moment you hear her ulting. OPTIONS!

3. Haze won't delete your HP so fast that you couldn't get out of her ult, assuming you have a dodge. At 1400 HP, I can generally get out of her ultimate with one dodge before I drop below 800-1k HP, depending on her item loadout. After 45 min, then sure. Instant deletion.

4. Games typically take about 30 minutes or so to complete. That isn't enough time for Haze to become 'unstoppable' unless she was out of control that entire game, at which point it is literally a skill issue (assuming no cheats).

5. There is no shame in being outplayed by Haze. I am still figuring out how to deal with Geists who go Lifedrain first, Warden's ridiculous attack speeds and damage, and speed Dynamo's unreasonable level of tanky positional power.

6. If Haze is in almost every single game, you have the most opportunity to figure out how to counter her while dealing with an entire team. Take it as an opportunity. I did, and Haze is literally feed for me now about 75% of the time (alongside Wraith, and Talon, and Infernus, etc etc).

For real, talking about Haze being able to position herself into the middle of the team and ult. How many of you have dealt with Majestic Leap Dynamo flying in, ulting, and using double refresher for far less investment than Haze needs to do damage. You want to talk about frustrating? At least I can get away from Haze's ultimate with an item or two. I would need precognition to deal with Dynamo and his annoying 0.2s windup ultimate.

1. Problem is the items that coutner her are completely worthless. Metal Skin doesn't last long enough for you to get any real value out of it other than running out of her ult and it rarely wins any exchanges with any other hero. Return fire is so awful that its a complete waste of money if they have any life steal.

2. Problem isn't just her ult. She can look at you with her massive attack speed and delete you in like 3 sec. Again, these items are such garbage. You are litterally wasting money. They have very little impact on her.

3. Not when its at max level. Its enourmous and when the maps already gives you very little room to run this isn't the case most of the time. Not to mention her ult can apply bullet slow making it harder. And sure YOU got out but then your team got melted anyways.

4. Haze is typically online by 20-25 min. So this is just flat out not true.

5. Or the devs can do their job and nerf a character that right now when we last saw win rates, was sitting at around 60-65%. That is insane for a team based game. Its okay to admit a character is overtuned. It's better that she gets nerfed then she can be slowly tuned back up. Its better that a character be underpowered than overpowered.

6. Again. There is no counter to her unless you play Mo and Krill. The items that are supposed to counter her don't do anything and simply are not strong enough for you to counter her alone. Compare her to Seven who you can fire knockdown on and call it a day. Even by the time you use that on her shes already deleted most of your HP.

If you find it so easy to own her then your welcome to post a video of a few of your matches.