New member
I would like to begin with what I like about holiday. I really like crackshot, and how the revolver feels to use. Crackshots always feel earned, and even when I get hit by it in game my reaction is just "fair enough" because I think its a perfectly balanced ability. I also think Lasso is fine as an ultimate, it basically works as a "fuck you" to one unfortuante person of your choosing, and its great at keeping those annoying ults in check where someone just sits somewhere and wins the team fight (Haze, Seven, Dynamo), or it can be used to kidnap a powerful opponent. The skill shot requirement makes it dodge able and makes it rewarding to land.
Now to the parts of holiday I don't like.
Bounce pad by itself is fine. Its not the greatest at escaping because your enemy can just follow you, so its not a complete get out of jail free card for bad positioning. And the tier 3 upgrade with stun is risky because going in with it is pretty bad for your positioning, if there's more than 2 healthy people where you land you'll probably still die. Bounce pad combined with explosive barrels is a problematic combo. It's been nerfed so its not a hard CC combo for like 4 seconds straight, but spamming barrels mid fight for the easiest damage in the game is not that engaging to fight with or against. This leads into my next point
Holliday has one viable build, and that's spirit holiday. Since all 4 abilities scale with spirit, and 2 benefit from extra charge, if you build anything else you're are throwing. I'm not even sure what vitality Holliday would look like, but the other path for Holliday to build is gun. Gun Holliday is obsolete because crackshot scales with sprit, so gun Holliday and Spirit Holliday does similar crackshot damage, while gun builds have neutered barrel and stomp damage. One of Deadlocks best gameplay features is build variety, and I dislike how polarizing Holliday is in this department.
The Rework:
First, I would get rid of the barrels. They aren't fun to fight against, and are mind numbing to fight with. The only cool thing about them is going for a barrel trickshot with your melee at medium to long ranges. I would replace the barrels with a new ability called "Fan the Hammer." Fan the Hammer when activated, would put holiday into a different stance and slow down her speed by a percentage, similar to vindicta I guess but walking. She can cancel at any time with a dash, jump, or pressing the ability again. While in this stance, Hollidays fire rate is increased by x% (You would have to play around with the numbers to figure out what feels right and balanced). Fire rate scales with spirit. Not entirely sure what the upgrades would do, probably just some flat stat increases or ammo manipulation maybe. The second big change is to make crackshot scale extra with bullet damage, not spirit. These changes would get rid of barrel spam, an unfun element of holliday for all involved, and make her kit not so reliant on spamming spirit items mostly, since theres now a tradeoff between Fan the hammer speed, bounce pad, and lasso, or the raw damage of scaling crackshot super hard. In my experience with struggling with holliday gun builds, its decently difficult to land crackshots consistanlty anyways in hectic combat, so I think making its max potential damage a bit higher is fine.
The goal of this rework is to have different things you can do with holiday. You have the play it safe and shoot from the backline with fan the hammer and crackshot, you have your boucepad stun combo into unloading a ton of damage with fan the hammer, and you have your lasso kidnappings still. This will get rid of mindless barrel spam, which just annoys everyone at best or kills them in an unfun way.
Now to the parts of holiday I don't like.
Bounce pad by itself is fine. Its not the greatest at escaping because your enemy can just follow you, so its not a complete get out of jail free card for bad positioning. And the tier 3 upgrade with stun is risky because going in with it is pretty bad for your positioning, if there's more than 2 healthy people where you land you'll probably still die. Bounce pad combined with explosive barrels is a problematic combo. It's been nerfed so its not a hard CC combo for like 4 seconds straight, but spamming barrels mid fight for the easiest damage in the game is not that engaging to fight with or against. This leads into my next point
Holliday has one viable build, and that's spirit holiday. Since all 4 abilities scale with spirit, and 2 benefit from extra charge, if you build anything else you're are throwing. I'm not even sure what vitality Holliday would look like, but the other path for Holliday to build is gun. Gun Holliday is obsolete because crackshot scales with sprit, so gun Holliday and Spirit Holliday does similar crackshot damage, while gun builds have neutered barrel and stomp damage. One of Deadlocks best gameplay features is build variety, and I dislike how polarizing Holliday is in this department.
The Rework:
First, I would get rid of the barrels. They aren't fun to fight against, and are mind numbing to fight with. The only cool thing about them is going for a barrel trickshot with your melee at medium to long ranges. I would replace the barrels with a new ability called "Fan the Hammer." Fan the Hammer when activated, would put holiday into a different stance and slow down her speed by a percentage, similar to vindicta I guess but walking. She can cancel at any time with a dash, jump, or pressing the ability again. While in this stance, Hollidays fire rate is increased by x% (You would have to play around with the numbers to figure out what feels right and balanced). Fire rate scales with spirit. Not entirely sure what the upgrades would do, probably just some flat stat increases or ammo manipulation maybe. The second big change is to make crackshot scale extra with bullet damage, not spirit. These changes would get rid of barrel spam, an unfun element of holliday for all involved, and make her kit not so reliant on spamming spirit items mostly, since theres now a tradeoff between Fan the hammer speed, bounce pad, and lasso, or the raw damage of scaling crackshot super hard. In my experience with struggling with holliday gun builds, its decently difficult to land crackshots consistanlty anyways in hectic combat, so I think making its max potential damage a bit higher is fine.
The goal of this rework is to have different things you can do with holiday. You have the play it safe and shoot from the backline with fan the hammer and crackshot, you have your boucepad stun combo into unloading a ton of damage with fan the hammer, and you have your lasso kidnappings still. This will get rid of mindless barrel spam, which just annoys everyone at best or kills them in an unfun way.