My Hero Idea - Brother from The Deep


New member
Seeing Bepop having an unreleased "brother" of sorts in the files, I was thinking of maybe something inspired by that and Viscous' origin from The Deep.​
Gun: Slow firing, moderate projectile sludge round, large in area, low/moderate range.​
Moderate/slow movement
Ability 1: A dedicated ability to allow traversal across floors and walls, which leaves behind a sticky trail slowing the shooting speed and movement speed of enemies, allowing traversal of buildings and utilizing the verticality of the map, being able to emerge from rooftops or sides of buildings for evasion, or allowing ceiling/wall camping to provide surprise ambushes. Similar to Mo & Krills Burrow in terms of traversal. (Team baiting a lane/corridor, using the ability to escape from enemy sight, hide on top of the ceiling of an archway of the corridor, allowing the enemies to pass, and then dropping down and using SPEW PUNCH and allow gank of the pursuing enemies)​

Ability 2: A net/harness/platform ability that can be attached to buildings or regular floors, similar to Kelvin's ice path, although with much less movement and less duration while also providing healing to you and whatever teammates are standing on it as well as adding new temporary paths for the map to all players before the platform/ramp decays. This could also be used to create walls stemming from the floor or from buildings and even block out areas but would be susceptible to damage.

Ability 3: A SPEW PUNCH ability, somewhat similar to puddle punch. but launches a massive fist outta the character and has a large attack area as it expands, allowing more of an omnidirectional attack (Hitting midair targets, leading targets depending on the speed of target and distance, or blocking out a choke point for a second) While allowing it to be canceled due to having limited movement during the activation, it damages and slows enemies with better damage and debuffs the longer the fist stays out.

Ability 4 / Ultimate: SLUDGE TSUNAMI: A wide, tall tsunami is cast which spreads fast either in the direction the hero shot it or 360 degrees (whichever works best) and causes consistent DoT, carries enemies, and also has the same debuffs as Ability 1, it can climb up walls and over objects expanding more sludge between places that cut off the tsunami, great for dealing with spread out enemies. As it hits walls it can quickly climb up and come back down, hitting enemies once or twice and leaving behind residue similar to ability 1 again. This Tsunami would have a massive AoE similar to Sevens ult but with more of an ability to dodge rather than having to leave an expanding static circle.

Overall I feel that this character could have some fine tuning as it's just a theoretical Deep sibling, and could have some things adjusted to make it stand out compared to Viscous, but this character would yield great crowd control and support roles among the team, especially for roaming.​
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