The Diver - Deep Sea Explorer


New member
This hero resembles an old fashioned scuba diver. They are covered in algae and drip with water, from the face grate sticks out squid tentacles as they struggle to speak due to the muffling of the suit. They're armed with a ship cannon and carry around a bag on their back that holds cannon balls.


Primary Attack: A ship cannon that launches cannonballs that knock around enemies it hits.
Alternative Fire: They can cook the projectile by charging it up and fire it to explode into sharpnel on impact.

Q - Water Jet
Shoots a powerful stream of water in a straight line that hits the first enemy it comes into contact with. At max upgrade it is capable of piercing them.

W - Tidal Surge
Turn into a massive wave of water and surge forward, all enemies caught in the wave are carried with you. Upon slamming into a wall they take damage and are stunned. At max upgrade it is capable of removing ground based effects from the ground if you pass over them.

E - Shape of Water
Turn into a large pool of water, slowly regenerating health and moving much faster. Enemies that stand in this water will have a gradual movement speed slow build up on them in the form of a Drowning meter, once the meter is full they will begin drowning. Drowning prevents them from performing any actions or movement and lasts as long as the water does.

R - Call of the Deep
Slam the ground, causing tentacles from an eldritch patron of the deep to erupt from the ground in a large radius around you. These tendrils will damage enemies and fling them upward and toward the center. If performed during Shape of Water these tentacles will thrash about violently, knocking enemies back toward you.
A possessed diving suit full of water is a pretty awesome theme, but this kit just says Avatar waterbender with a Loose Cannon (and way too much cc)
As a Nautilus fan myself, I can appreciate a diving suit hero. I will say Tidal Surge operates very similar to Abrams shoulder charge. I get it synergizes really well with the other abilities, but I do think the ability needs to do something else on top of the charge, for the sake of distinguishing it from Abrams ability.