[MELEE-HERO CONCEPT] Silhouette, the Sword of Kha'rish


Active member
(Hero idea is clearly inspired by the Dishonored Franchise, Image is from Dishonored 2 concept art)


W.I.P but my idea is that Silhouette is a powerful swordsmen merged with a forgotten occult entity called Kha'rish that gave him powers. During gameplay, you can hear the entity whispering to Silhouette and talking to him. They don't get along well.

Silhouette reaches into his coat and throws magically-imbued knives. Terrible weapon for long range. Should be on par with Dynamo's gun but with even slower projectiles.

With the last upgrade of Draw Sword, the player can choose to opt-out of throwing knives to become permanently melee for the rest of the game but in-turn get a new ability that would help him in rocking the melee build. This is optional!

Ability 1: BLINK
Silhouette instantly blinks towards the target location.

AP LVL 1: +1 Charge
AP LVL 3: Apply 20% slow for 2 seconds in a small area of effect at the destination.
AP LVL 5: Blink distance increase

Ability 2: BACKSTAB
Silhouette stabs an enemy through the back, stunning him for 1 seconds and dealing spirit damage.
This ability can only be cast on an enemy that does not face Silhouette and in very short range.

AP LVL 1: + 0.25 stun duration
AP LVL 3: -20 seconds Cooldown
AP LVL 5: +300 damage

Ability 3: DRAW SWORD

Silhouette draws his sword, disarming his main weapon. Reactivating this ability causes Silhouette to put his sword away and allows him to shoot his weapon again.

While wielding the sword, mouse1 would now cause Silhouette to slash his sword in front of him, dealing spirit damage. These attacks cannot be parried. In addition, Punches are now replaced by Stab, which act like punches but deal greater spirit damage and heal Silhouette for 15% of the damage dealt. All items that modify punch apply to Stab. Stabs can be parried normally like Punches.

AP LVL 1: +15% stab heal per damage dealt.
AP LVL 3: Increased damage per slash and spirit scaling.
AP LVL 5: Silhouette permanently draws his sword and will not be able to use his main weapon until the end of the match. Any bonuses granted from wielding the sword will now become innately passive. This active ability will now instead be replaced by 'DECEPTIVE SILHOUETTE'.

Summons a Silhouette at a chosen target location (Illusion). This illusion will immediately and predictably Stab in the direction of a nearby enemy hero. A successful hit will deal full stab damage. An enemy can parry to avoid the stab damage.

Ability 4 (Ultimate): THANATOPHOBIA
Silhouette haunts an enemy target for 3 seconds, causing 40% movement slow, in-addition the target is near-sighted and deafened for the duration.

Near-sighted: Target is unable to see anything further than 700 units~. Anything beyond that distance is dark and the minimap is canceled for the duration.
Deafened: Target has muffled sounds and more specifically cannot hear punching/stab sound.

AP LVL 1: - 30 seconds Cooldown
AP LVL 3: + 2 seconds duration
AP LVL 5: Disables the enemy's ability to parry for the duration

Thanks for reading!
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