Had this idea takin some from Venomancer in DOTA.
Mini Drone
Deploys a drone around a target or self that provides bullet shield, and automatically shoots enemies. The drone expires after a time limit or when the bullet shield is depleted.
10 DPS 100 Bullet Shield Health 25m Attack Range 30s lifetime.
1: Drone applies a +25% movement Slow
2: Bullet Shield gains 30 shield per boon.(This is the same as her current turret scaling with a lower Base HP)
5: Each Drone fires 2 Rockets per second equal to McGinnis's Heavy Barrage level.
So thats the idea, balance concerns are stacking shields, veno can cast 3 wards on 1 person but with the shield increase maybe its limited to 1 drone per character but in team fights she could have 3 going fast which increases her rocket count to 12 rockets a second but the drone rockets should probably just shoot what they are targeting. Anyways this is my idea for her making it more utility/support. You can then buy items for more movement speed or fire rate reduction from spirit damage ect.