Lag when playing with friends


I can play perfectly fine solo in a pvp or pve match with no issues, maybe 1 stutter in every 2-3 games.
But when i play with a friend on the same server (EU), he can play without issues but i have massive lag. There is about a 1 second delay for me, and lots of stutters and lagspikes.
We have both tried to be the lobby/party host, and it does not matter if i invite him or he invites me. Im the one getting the lag regardless.

I cant find any reason why this is the case.

The lag consists of;
- delay of 1 second or more before abilities activate, souls get secured etc.
- dashes not working, and abilities not working (package loss)
- Lagspikes and stutters where my character is standing still, often during the activation of abilities.
Lag and package loss still consists when im playing with friends, while the game servers run smoothly when im playing alone with random teammates.

Anyone got this issue or can add any information that might help the developers?
If the game gets released in this state, it would be practicaly unplayable with friends and that would severely hurt its long term playability for me.
I have tested this issue more by playing with friends from different regions, and the results were surprising.

I am from the Netherlands, so the servers i play on are generaly EU.
When i play with a friend from Slovenia we play on EU servers and i have 1-2sec lag and package loss, he has no issues what so ever.
When i play with a friend from USA i have no lag no matter who invites who, and the game servers run smooth for both.
The moment we invite the person from Slovenia i get lag and package loss and the person from USA does not.

So it seems that there are issues with routing packages through servers based on locations.