Major Lag Spike Late Match

same problem here. made a post that has 2 videos

Edit: The problem does only happen when I'm playing with a specific friend. If I play as a solo or with my other friends no issues so far
I get this issue fairly often. DX11, GTX 980, Intel i5-3470.

It started happening with the patch on Thursday last week and was much more severe though has since become much less common though it's still more often than I'd really like.

Some matches are completely without issue. In others I'll randomly get massive FPS drops but I've not really noticed a pattern outside of it usually happening later in matches.

It's possibly an unrelated issue but once the FPS goes back to normal it usually results in the previously described behaviour where there's a long period where the player character's animations will break and all my input will be delayed which makes it basically impossible to play the game.

I seem to recall the console spamming a lot of asserts when the game is lagging but I keep neglecting to note the asserts in question down.

It's possible the animation/input bug (and maybe even those asserts?) are a separate problem that arises as a result of the lag rather than actually being linked to the same cause as the lag? While the input bug is happening the console will spam CPrediction::PerformPrediction executed too many commands. The patch that introduced this bug did purportedly include Various network related improvements when there is packet loss so this might be a result of that. I know that when I first started playing there was an issue where if the game hitched significantly then it'd result in a short period where your character is COMPLETELY motionless and can't be controlled despite everything else functioning normally so maybe this is something similar.

For me, after the input bug clears up, the game often freezes and after that I'll either finally be able to play again or it'll immediately go back to low FPS and subsequently the input bug will return.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
GPU: Nvidia RTX 2070 Super
Rendering: Vulkan

Major lag spikes keep happening late into private games. Issue is not limited to private games, as it happened in an unranked match last night as well.
This game had two spikes: the first was post lane-phase, with enemies respawning at base. Lag was conditionally tied to looking in the direction of the enemy base.

The second spike happened end-game and was near my own patron. Pausing the game to check what resources the game was using, I came back and began recording and noticed animations repeating and ragdolls respawning where they didn't have a reason to. Following this, trying to move around resulted in the character model stretching out with heavy input delay (10+ seconds).

For context, my FPS usually holds around 70-80 in fights with no noticeable latency. Ping is also metered at 60-70ms normally. It appears that server CPU is spiking over 100% during the heavy lag spikes.
View attachment 5009
Same problem here using gtx 1660s and i7 12700kf with 3000mhz ram (48gb). This problem is related to Valve quality of life mini updates, not us. Playing with 130 ms here and this happens sometimes during matches. (Not usual but in nights)
Just had multiple severe lag spikes happen to me right now. Tried to reconnect but derp, it had me leave the match, FML.
Been playing a few matches since, and the problem has not occurred again. Not really sure what to make of it.
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GPU: Gtx 1060
Having same issues with fps drop, in some cases when fps drops too low (like 15) game freezes with stabilizing after a few seconds but im getting unable to control character properly, it either does not respond at all or more frequently just reads input with a huge delay (like 10 or 15 seconds), in this state animations and model of mine character seem broken (animation getting stuck in one pose and model getting stretch - a few lines appear from my character that spread somewhere to the edge of the map, same way it glithces in videos above in this thread), other players move as they should on my screen without any glitches. This effect lasts for a random amount of time, usually somewhere near 30 seconds but can be less or more. This bug occurs in most cases only once in a game, but almost in every match. Rejoining with a pause fixed this state a few times, but usually its not helping much.
Im pretty sure this bug happens most near second towers when they shoot and ppl start to fight using their abilities, and it occures more often on a central lines (probably cos most fights happen there), and i feel like i rarely encountered this bug near friendly second tower (but it might be my imagination). Also when im solo pushing edge lines second towers, while staying away of fights on a central lines i dont encounter this bug.
Tried different rendering settings, graphic drivers and resolution-graphics quality settings, doesnt seem like any of it impact this bug in any way.
It is interesting. Is it possible that some processor models have the game running on a single core?
If anyone can, please check how many cores are active while playing Deadlock. 😌 🍺
On AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, and a bot game was running on at least 2 cores (4 threads) for me.
I have this problem too, but only after use Alt+Tab. In the end, restarting the game helps.

i7 3770
GTX 1660 S
Yeah this consistantly happens. Ive only been playing bots because of this bug since i dont wnat to ruin other peoples' games. Ive had it happen for multiple minutes on multiple occasions in the same game. It makes the game legitimately unplayable for me in the second half of the match. It almost feels like some sort of memory leak imo, but I have no idea. The games become suddenly near unplayable for periods of time and progressively get worse and worse as a game goes on. The game is legitimately unplayable for me currently even when ran at the lowest graphics setting possible, lowest render quality, at 720x480 resolution.

Windows 10
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz 2.30 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce MX250
Usable RAM: 11.8GB
Similiar thing keeps happening to me last patch. Always happens late in the match.

Specificially happened in match 344436 where I was playing Vindicta and after I scoped and shot Lash just in front of me my game became powerpoint and completely unplayeable for a whole minute.

On Ryzen 5 3600 with Nvidia 3070
Similiar thing keeps happening to me last patch. Always happens late in the match.

Specificially happened in match 344436 where I was playing Vindicta and after I scoped and shot Lash just in front of me my game became powerpoint and completely unplayeable for a whole minute.

On Ryzen 5 3600 with Nvidia 3070
For the last 3-4 months, Nvidia has had nothing but garbage as a driver. There are so many critical bugs and performance issues that have accumulated that it is not clear when they will fix everything.
If this is a problem due to the driver, then rolling back to 551.86 will help. This is the last stable driver for me with 1070ti
This is happening to me nonstop. Server CPU is constantly above 80% and even goes into values that don't make sense like 143% and 117%. Constant freezes from the beginning of the match and all the way through. Ping and FPS are stable. Game is currently literally unplayable.

I think the issue goes further than original post suggests.

Update: Just hit 212% usage.
146% never ever been so real :cool:
Ok glad it's not just an issue with my hardware then. Ive legitimately been unable to even test the game nor give feed back due to just how bad this weird lag glitch is. I straight up cannot play it after the first 10-15 minutes. Have they at all approached this issue? It feels like Im seeing quite a few people with this issue here after all. Im surprised that I havent seen people say its been addressed at all honestly.