Description: A lethal self-destruct device that can be manually activated by the player when their health drops below 15%. Activating this item causes the player's body to slow down, but also triggers a massive explosion that deals a lot of damage to nearby enemies . The player must carefully decide when to use it, as once activated, there is no turning back. By using this artifact, the player will be subjecting themselves to an unavoidable sacrifice.
- Slowdown: Upon using the item, the player suffers a 40% movement speed reduction.
- Visual Effect: When the player activates the item, their body begins to glow orange , signaling the self-destruction process. As the detonation nears, the glow intensifies and flashes brightly.
- Sound Effect: A rising "buzz" or "beep" sound will alert the player that the detonation is imminent, also warning nearby enemies of the upcoming explosion.
- Detonation Time: The bomb is set to explode 7 seconds after being activated .
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