Item Idea: Moxie (an upgrade for Fortitude)


Moxie Tier 4 Vitality

350 Bonus Health
10+ Health regen

After Not taking Damage for 11s, Gain 4% Max health regen.

When above 75% HP gain 25% Weapon damage and 2+ move speed

Passive with CD:
120 sec CD

When you receive a killing blow survive the hit, Purge all Negative effects and heal yourself
20% of your Hp instantly + 30% over 10 seconds. does not get interrupted by damage.
Not really, it would be expensive as hell since its an upgrade to Fortitude so in total would need 9200 souls for it. and it doesnt give that much more stats compared to a Fortitude. and you only get healed up to 20% instantly and then 30% over 10 seconds and you can be killed at all times unlike Soul rebirth which is 50% instant heal and you cant take any damage or be interacted with until you revive.