Ideas to get people back into the game and to make the game better.

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also longer format games (league) are generally much more friendly to off-meta builds, having more time to farm and scale gives off-meta builds an opportunity to 'come online'
This is just a fundamental lack of understanding of what makes things off-meta in the first place. An off-meta build is a build that isn't commonly played, but has a level of viability to it. It has nothing to do with time itself. Do you think that if you were given 60k souls at the beginning of the game, every off meta build would be magically all "come online" or some shit?

not to mention league is frankly less of a team game than deadlock so it's not particularly hard to carry someone using an only semi-viable build
Whether or not you're using an off-meta build, you can't just carry your whole team? You have to play with them? This is like such a strange argument. "League is better on that front because I can steamroll people with my off meta build and not have to play with my team" then go back to play league???

maybe if you played a region with ranked you'd understand the points I'm making ;p
-diamond 2 peak, soloq support only
Where do you think I've started? I used to play in NA and shit for a couple of years and I've reached roughly plat something? I honestly don't remember. I did fully lose interest in League though because eh. Regardless, trying to flex isn't really working in this argument though I'm gonna be real.

I know by experience that ranked vs casual in both League and Deadlock are really not that different. I'm gonna repeat: if you're struggling with your off meta builds, then it's a skill issue. Get better at Deadlock, or lose enough games until your MMR gets replaced properly to your skill level. If you can't take it anymore, then do "normal" builds. I can guarantee you that you aren't really gonna do that much better. I've been curbstomped by Weapon Kelvin and the likes, and you know why? It's because these people are good. Get good at the game and I'm sure your builds will come online the same way.
not to mention league is frankly less of a team game than deadlock so it's not particularly hard to carry someone using an only semi-viable build.... maybe if you played a region with ranked you'd understand the points I'm making ;p
-diamond 2 peak, soloq support only
This is an absurd lie. Especially in the most recent 5 seasons that game has had. Why do you need to lie to make yourself sound smarter? You already being disrespectful as fuck by continuing to bump this thread.
This is just a fundamental lack of understanding of what makes things off-meta in the first place. An off-meta build is a build that isn't commonly played, but has a level of viability to it. It has nothing to do with time itself. Do you think that if you were given 60k souls at the beginning of the game, every off meta build would be magically all "come online" or some shit?

Whether or not you're using an off-meta build, you can't just carry your whole team? You have to play with them? This is like such a strange argument. "League is better on that front because I can steamroll people with my off meta build and not have to play with my team" then go back to play league???
any halfway decent build (meta or not) is based around a certain interactions between items and abilities, the sooner you can get those items and make those synergies work the earlier you can start to have a significant impact on the game a.k.a. 'come online', the 'meta' builds are the ones that balance a good amount of power with good timings. A longer format game means that you can skew that balance for later item/powerspike timings and get away with it.

I never said league was better, it's not, but it is significantly easier to solo carry for a couple reasons, firstly it's a 5v5 not a 6v6, that means each player has more individual impact on the game by default.. secondly league also has a dedicated support role who really does not have carry potential so that brings it down to just 4 players who actually matter and its a hell of a lot easier to carry 3 people than it is to carry 5... on top of that the draft system means it's much less likely to get screwed on team comp across the board which means it's easier for a good player to snowball semi-consistently.

This is an absurd lie. Especially in the most recent 5 seasons that game has had. Why do you need to lie to make yourself sound smarter? You already being disrespectful as fuck by continuing to bump this thread.
you calling me disrespectful is really ironic considering your mostly hostile message history, I see a lot of keyboard warrior and little useable feedback or constructive criticism, if you're not going to contribute anything meaningful to the thread please refrain from posting, thanks!
casual doesn't just mean easy, it's a whole different vibe

there are people who play to have fun and there are people who play to win, while the two are not mutually exclusive I'm not quite sure how people are oblivious to this divide

if I queue a game with no care to win and just want to screw around with the heros and items (which I do frequently) there really should be a queue for that because the type of person that plays to win is probably not going to have fun in the same lobby.. the same goes the opposite direction as well.

when we had a dedicated ranked queue there was a lot more space to screw around in casual which I really enjoyed, I'd sweat my ass off in ranked for 2 or 3 games and then go do something silly in casual after running out of steam

also longer format games (league) are generally much more friendly to off-meta builds, having more time to farm and scale gives off-meta builds an opportunity to 'come online'.. not to mention league is frankly less of a team game than deadlock so it's not particularly hard to carry someone using an only semi-viable build.... maybe if you played a region with ranked you'd understand the points I'm making ;p
-diamond 2 peak, soloq support only
So let me get this straight, if I would get you on my team and its not ranked, you would just faff around and be a burden to the rest of the team because you would actually not want to win and be teamplayer ? You would f off to farm and make troll crap just because you feel like it ? You feeling relaxed or sweaty is a YOU problem, not what label the lobby has as a title.

What a nonsense.

Splitting entire playerbase in "casual" and "ranked" is nonsense. What you want is a closed group of friends faffing around, thus do the effort to create such a group.
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