How to add Invoker


I have been playing around with a lot of different concepts for different hero ideas and I wanted to figure out a way to implement invoker from DotA 2 or at least the mechanics. I really love Pocket being Puck in the game and thriving in another form. Development may have already gone through different ideas with another hero or not touched on it yet, I wanted to share my version on how I think it would work in Deadlock. I will try to be simple while also hoping those who read already know invoker.

gun idea: dont have one, he uses his hand like infernus in some way is my best idea for invoker.

1 Quas
gain .50 health regen per orb
upgrade 1. 2. 3.

2 Wex
gain 1 movement speed per orb
upgrade 1. 2. 3.

3 Exort
gain 3% weapon damage per orb
upgrade 1. 2. 3.

4 Invoke
10 second cooldown
can be reduced with cooldown reduction.
Combines the properties of the elements currently being manipulated to create a new spell for Invoker. The arrangement of element instances does not matter. When already invoked two abilities, invoking a new ability replaces the older one. Spells are shown above Invoke, a new spell is always placed first. The previous spell is always placed second. Any spell that was on the second is replaced with the first and lost. When invoking an ability that is already invoked, Invoke does not go on cooldown. If the re-invoked ability was in the second slot, it moves into the first, swapping position with the other invoked ability.

upgrade 1. 2. 3. reduce cooldowns by 10%


Casting your invoked spells is a simple alt fire/right-click. The first spell(tornado) will always be casted first. Putting it on cooldown. Right clicking/Alt Firing will cast the second spell. Each spell has it's own cooldown. Right click will always try to cast the first spell even on cooldown. If the second spell becomes off cooldown and the first is still on cool down, the second is casted.

items manipulate invoke spells, cooldown reduction, increase spirit, etc. Some cannot, ex Surge of Power.

Spells are similar but might have some changes to them. I will just list some examples.
become the sun, take control of the sun from your location, you can choose a ground location to fire a beam from the sun.

Similar to losing control of your character like Grey Talon and gaining control of a invisible ground target that will fire a beam at that location after a delay. You retain control when you choose the location, not having to wait for the beam to hit the target.
Forge Spirit
summon a forge spirit by your side, for the duration the spirit will also attack the target you are shooting

I am unsure how minions, npcs, or even cpus work in this game. I am highly interested in creating an illusion hero, but again unsure how some things work to give myself the "okay". My imagination can only go so far with how much is shown in the game so far. So this "minion" will actually just hover or be attached to you in some way and just fire when you fire for it's duration. I guess it would have your Firerate, pretty OP.

I feel it is up to the Deadlock team to decide how or what abilities get in or what this hero even is.

But this is my share on a hero idea and hope to give more DotA like or something unique along the lines of DotA/Deadlock. Thank you.
I've never played Dota, but I looked up Invoker, and wow. What a cool kit they have. I'd love to see a version of them in Deadlock.

What if one orb gave weapon damage, one gave spirit damage, one gave health Regen, and one of the upgrades for Invoke made it so any orb gives move speed. That feels like it would fit Deadlock a bit better? Great post.
All spells have a flat spirit damage that cannot be upgraded or powered up by leveling. Spells in DotA start weak and grow stronger every point spent. Spirit is only gained through items and invoker would have a lot of spells that would potentially be very powerful in Deadlock ranging from flat 150-200 damage. Gain 3 orbs for slight extra movement during engagements to position himself or run. The Spirit could be a upgrade for Wex, a small amount of spirit per orb. I would make him quite slow, maybe 6 movement speed, to encourage buying some movement items and even running with 3 orbs to get to places.